I am new to pc gaming and im starting to search for parts to build a gaming pc. I am trying to have good frame rates while streaming. I have heard that the 8350 is good and the 4770k is good but too expensive. My uncle is willing to sell me the 4770k for $210.00 brand new. Since now they are such a close price for me which one will give me better gaming and multitasking performance.
My 8350 destroyed my i5 in streaming. It was a 3570k and didn't stand a chance against the AMD. As for the i7 I'm not sure really. Hyper threading and more cache will definitely make it faster than the i5 but I'm not sure by how much.
Personally, for $210 I'd grab the i7.
when pistol had her 8350, her rig still streamed better than logan's 6-core i7.
from personal experience, at stock, the 8350 can handle 1080p, 60fps, 3500kbps streaming of games that are not very cpu-intensive. 720p, 60 fps is never a problem with any games.
another thing to consider with price: the motherboard.
sure, you can get a 4770k for cheap. but, you still need to buy a motherboard.
Yep, the motherboard is going to be expensive, espeacially if you want the same functionalities^^. I would grab Asrock 990fx Fatality motherboard with it. Has enough stuff. And here:
And if games are maybe going to be more optimised for amd cpu's. For instance mantle, or:
then the FX 8350 would be a better choice.
Id personally go with the 4770k with the price that close. It is just a better cpu. Though streaming might be one of the very few instances that the 8350 has the advantage. I don't have enough information in that area to give a worthwhile opinion.
It looks like he needs the cpu mainly for gaming and streaming, so I think the 8350 would still be better. Otherwise, yeah, the I7 would be better for productivity, but I don't even think the 8350 is very far from the i7 productivitywise.