OK so i really really need help. I have a pc now but it isnt great for gaming. I mean it runs some games but i want a better one. I want to be able to run The Crew, Dying Light, and GTA V. Games that are intense and need a good CPU and graphics card. I've never built a computer before so i was hoping some of you guys could give me some links for the right things. I have a budget for about $500. It can be that or lower. I also was hoping that the fan or whatever wouldn't be too loud. If you could help me it would be so great. Thanks!!
As it sounds like you may have never built a machine before, it's probably well worth doing a bit of research about all of the parts and what they do. A simple google search returns some great guides like this one. While the depicted parts may bit a bit dated, it still is a good representation as not much has changed with desktop computers in a long time as far as the fundamentals.
Next, as far as actually sourcing parts and easily 'scratch building' machines, PCPartPicker.com is a good place to start. It'll let you see all of the prices with accurate pricing, and 99% of the time, won't let you mix incompatible parts, so you can be assured that all of the parts will work together.
A $500 machine that can play those games at any reasonable quality, at least to me, is quite a steep thing to ask, but that's not to say it can't be done. I spent a bit of time scouring part picker for something acceptable and it is pretty tough. Personally I'm an Intel/nVidia fan, as intel parts simply have a brunt force to them versus many AMD parts, however I was sure to put together comparable builds centered around both brands.
I did sacrifice a couple of things such as a disk drive, and only was able to ideally include 4 GB of memory. I personally would go no less than 8, but 4 will get you started until you can pick up another stick.
Another thing I'll note: A good benchmark database to use when comparing realistic performance between parts is from a company called Passmark. They've got huge databases of a ton of parts including CPUs, GPU, and HDDs.
on the budget? go last gen
i5 4670k CPU
asus Z87 A MOBO
sapphire 290 or 270x gpu
fractalD D4 case or bitfenix shinobi core
750 PSU seasonic mark 2
sandisk Ultra SSD 128 gb and 1 Gb Seagate SSHD
mouse keyboard speakers headsets monitors fans you find out ur self....Good luck this is just sample config
i always go last gen then when new stuff comes i upgrade, always 1 year late, but so is the price 50% cheaper so...
Thanks so much!