Building a Gaming PC

Hello, I made a post here earlier today and got some great advise on building my PC. After a lot of searching this is what I finally came up with:


Let me know what you think and give criticism wherever needed!


EDIT: This PC is just for casual gaming, going to be using it for League of Legends and Minecraft and a few other casual games.

Looks all good.

Might just be me but your list is empty.

that is your parts list lol.  You need to post the url it puts above your parts list so we can see it

LOL OOPS. sorry I fixed it now.

Oops, fixed now.

I thought it looked familiar.

Looks like you are willing to purchase from Microcenter, Newegg, and Amazon.

No need for such an expensive PSU.

Cheap motherboard and CPU with old architecture.  I would go with the FM2 platform at this level, as the components in your original build are quite cheap and aren't really worth upgrading.

Much better video card in there, and higher clocked RAM!
