Building a Gaming PC on a budget and need opinions !!?
thanks in advance
please make the list even bro
whats your budget?
links are not working
we replied really fast lol
I'm sorry i will redo this post guys
No worries
that's a little better. (i hope.)
that's a little better. (i hope.)
how much $$ for budget
$750 but the tv monitor is already owned by me so i will not spend money on that. only on the other items.
that computer will be not very good for gameing with a gtx 650 in it
That gives you plenty left to pick a gameing keyboard and mouse you like
forgot to mention im also gonna need a software of windows. btw if the gtx 650 isnt good then what do you recommend ?
is this video card any good ?
No that card is crap >_> windows 7 $60
you whant a minimum of a HD 7850 or a gtx 660 for decent gaming
how much is a gtx 660 ?
both cards (amd 7850 and the gtx 660 are around $160-$200)
get 8 gigs of ram, a smaller monitor, and that should give you enough for a better graphics card. 650Ti or a HD7790/HD7850
too expensive man. besides everybody says gtx 650 is good for gaming except you. so who's word am i supposed to take -_-
bam bitch