hey Forum,
I would wait. As for the power supply its should do the job as power draw is 140W but i would go into the 600w cause if you wont to add some extras later on you can.
<Source> http://videocardz.com/nvidia/geforce-700/geforce-gtx-750
You're getting a locked GPU with an unlocked mobo; i.e., wasting money.
The best thing to do here would be to give us a budget and let us throw together builds for you.
You would be better served by this coniguration. But the way to get the most performance for the money in this price range would be to get a 990fx board and a 6300 and pair that with a better gpu. The video card will usually be the determinning factor in how well a gaming pc does in-game. So saving some with the rest of the system and putting that money towards a better video card is your best bet. I would say to go for either a 760 of a 770 regardless of what the rest of the system looks like seeing as how, even with those card, the gpu would likely be the source of any bottlenecking.
to save a bit of money Im going to switch out the msi mobo with a gigabyte udh3