I like the builds! I have decided to go with the lga 1150 cause if i got it right that the new processors are going to work on Z97 (maybe evern the 8-core, dunno) so i have the upgrade possibility:D But the harddrives are a little overkill:DDD like the 3tb hdd:D i prefer going with 2 tb hdd cause lower failure rate(i know it's small chance but still) and i don't think i would need the 500GB ssd:D thionk 250gb 840 evo would be enough:D maybe the 250gb and one 120gb but not 500xDDD at least my opinion:D and the processor cooler is going to be closed loop cooler:) cause of the looks:) i like it more:) maybe like the Glacer L240 so i can expand it if i want to:) but the whole build from this on looks good to me:) i can change some parts but the vision you have is in right dirrection;))))) but these are only theorical builds so i won't make final decisions yet:)
And i have not yet the "final" parts:) so basically you can post anything you want:D cause i have tought also about xeon processor but i think that would not be enough.... the things i want still is IF intel then i7 and when graphics card, the power in it should be somthing like 780 or 780TI
http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/mhZ66h Went for a crossfire 290 setup with 3 monitor surround :)
NIce build but i have a budget:_D which you can see from the start of the thread:DDDD
And i would prefer single graphics card build with and 780,290 or 780ti like powerful card than sli:D have had some serious issues with sli in the past:DDD
It fit the budget but ok... it did include everything you said you need in budget because I also fir the monitors in which is why you said you needed room in the original budget...
http://gyazo.com/c635b56e057c73071bec74bcde32a75d This is what i came up with now. I realized I didn't include a monitor for you earlier so I added an ASUS 1080p Pro Art monitor for you :)
Also note that CPU cooling is handled by a custom loop with 360mm Radiator and Corsair SP120 quet edition fans :DD
The build is also easily upgradable so if you feel the need for another GTX 780, no problems, just slap one in there, the PSU can handle it easily. And adding GPU's to the loop is also an option. If you are gona add dual GTX 780's to the loop, i would buy a 240mm rad for a bit extra cooling for them :DD
Hope I helped :)
the budget is 2400€ not 2400£. There is a big difference. 2400£ is about 3000€
Hmmm not bad at all:D but i wonder? Why pick that memory? It's over 2000Mhz and the "timings" 11:D and if youd take a custom loop why exactly that one? Is it good?:))
In editing, the speed of the memory increases performance but in gaming it's not that big of a deal.
And for the watecooling kit, I picked it because For a custom loop, I think that is a great price, and you don't need to have the headache to pick all the parts for it :D
True but that means i have to overclock the memory:D cause motherboard can't handle that fast memory on stock, and i haven't overclokced memory ever before... ok:) but maybe i could afford to get the "cheapest" EK watercooling set, dunno:D
You just go to bios and set XMP profile on and the memory overclocks itself automatically :) but regular 1600 MHz RAM is an option too :D
so the 2133Mhz memory clocks itself to that freaqnency so you can use it with thta speed?:DDD im buying atleast 1866xD cause some mb's support the 1866 on stock:D but ye if it is that easy then no problem! i can buy it:D
One more thing!:d What do you think? Should i buy 3 1080p monitors to use Nvidia surround (found asus monitor with 1ms latency and very narrow bezels) setup or The same priced 1 2560x1440 IPS monitor?
The 3 monitors would not be a bad option. However, you need to consider the graphical horsepower if you want to run on high or ultra settings.
but the 3 monitors are not only for gaming:) i do much of multitasking etc so the 2 monitors would still come handy:) and i would play only those that i can with 3 monitor setup:) other than that i would use only the middle monitor to some games:) and 2 others for example internet, spotify,skype etc:) and the 780ti (which im pretty sure im getting) can handdle that resolution even in battlefield4 with high graphics at least (at least i have watched some build with 3 monitors and they can play battlefield4 with those settings:) AND i think i would be getting the dell's 24" IPS displays so they would still be IPS;))))) but i still wonder would i benefit more from 2560x1440 27" display..... or would i like it better.... dunno:/
Multi monitors are very helpful for multitasking. Dual 780tis will push those pixels, but you may need to dumb down some settings while you have one 780ti(unless you play on one monitor only).