Building a daily driver / workstation for the first time in 15 years

The 5950x single threaded geekbench is 2150.
The epyc 9124 single threaded geekbench is 1950.
Epyc 7xx2 is 1050.
Single threaded performance determins if it feels fast.

Am4 is end of life.
Sp5 has many years remaining.

PCIe devices are the same price.
ECC ddr5 is $80 per stick on ebay. So same.

Cpu is $1200
There are now a few sp5 motherboards, from $660-800.

After dual video cards you have 4 or 8 pcie lanes on am4 or am5. On sp5 you have 64 plus 8 Sata plus dual 10gb Ethernet plus ipmi, for a decade later when you want to stick in the garage and remote in.

Ongoing cost is +40 watts for the larger IO chip.
I detailed my build on here, access my profile to read about it.

For the SSD 2 days ago on Amazon I bought an Intel d7-5600 6.4tb for $369. It is an enterprise drive rated for 3dwpd for 5 years. Tested sustained minimum speed is 5GB/sec and 0.014 ms access times. Ie 20 times better than a budget m.2 SSD.

That is probably faster than any double m.2 SSD raid you can make, and it is a competitive price.

I also have dual 118gb optanes. 1 will be virtual memory only to not polute my zfs with garbage transactions.

I plan to also add a quicksync u.2 adapter to accelerate zfs, and maybe some security camera encoding. I plan to run a virtualized freenas and don’t want it to need to acces my gpu.

And for gaming (single threaded) the 16 core Genoa is 90% the speed of the 5950xgeekbench of 1950 vs 2150. And all of your gpus, SSDs and other PCIe devices will have full bandwidth.

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