Building a computer need help

Hey, so I make YouTube videos and I'm thinking of getting a new computer made for rendering/gaming.  If budget wasn't the main concern what would you get(oh and amd or intel)

You must say what is your budget cause someone might get idea and make 10 000$ build. and we do not want to play guessing games here...

What is your budget and what componentes do you need bessides the case, monitor, keyboard and mouse etc?

Well considering some budget but price not being a huge option this is what I'd go for. AMD 8-core for the multithreaded performance, 16gb ram for work, 680 since generally most rendering programs utilize CUDA cores pretty well. Well shit, 3000-5000. Buy this and then get yourself a nice car.

I need everything and probably something between $3,000 and $5,000

What software will you use for rendering?

If you plan on editing with Sony Vegas use 2 monitors. One for the video preview and one for editing the time line. Im building a pc for the same reason, if you would like to check out my build i'll link it.

@miskonius I'm going to be using SonyVegas mostly

Well if you whant to spend some crazy cash >_> may as well go all out 

Honestly If price really isn't an issue then I would say like Cooperman (I haven't looked at his specs and I'm not endorsing them) just go all out :D

a titan with a 3770k....... no. X79 or not at all... espiciacialy at 3k to 5k

yep ^^^ get two of them >_< 

Cooper there is only one titan in that but it seems pretty great :)

i dont like using the term but bottleneck city is where you will reside with 2 titans and a 3770k...get a 3930k at minimum dude 

yes 2 titans is just madness 

whats the best intel cpu?

there is the Intel Core i7-3970X Extreme Edition @ $1000 

AMD's 7xx series is way better in Sony VEgas than Nvidia, so you better go for 7970

for gaming the 3970X

Yeah a lot of people's talking about 3770X but I'd say the 3970K is better. except it's a $1000 cpu.

This has got to be an over kill for whatever you're going to do...

Yeah, thats a crazy computer, @misk if you did a computer closer to $4k what would you upgrade?