Building a $900 PC

I'm looking to build a gaming pc that would be able to play most games on high settings and maybe even ultra. For the last couple of months i have been searching for the best quality parts i could get in my certain price range. My spending limit would prbably be around $950 including a monitor which i can get for around $150. I do nbot live in the US I live in Ireland but I am ordering all my parts off a site called superbiiz   because the prices are a lot cheaper here then anywhere i could find in my own country. This is the build i put together myself

From the website which i plan to order it works out almost $50 cheaper. I really don't want to spend much more then this but i am wondering if the CPU will bottleneck the 7850 after a while? Or maybe i could save a little more and get an amd fx 6300. I could maybe reduce the hardrive to 500gb, find an optical drive from an old pc or even get a cheaper PSU, what do you guys think? Will i be able to play games like Battlefield 3 and Skyrim and Arma 2 and 3 on high settings and with good fps with theis cpu and will it last 2 - 3 years? And finally will the 620w psu be enough to overclock both the amd phenom ii x4 965 and the 7850 or a fx 6300 if i decide to go with that CPU? If you have any suggestions for my build please let me know, Thanks 

save the os and pirate possibly buy an 8350 easy to pirate windows 7 could be saving 134 dollars to spend on faster parts

i wouldnt cheap out on the PSU you will regret 

 its one of the most important parts in the computer.

Here's my current build, you can ditch the H100 and tweak it. This thing will do amazingly.

I name her Neferro.