Hello guys i want ur support ... so i was searching all over the internet for a cheap upgrade to my PC (i have HDD mouse keyboard case etc.. ) so i have to upgrades paths which are AMD or Intel.
I know that this question is kind of lame .... but every site i just 100% diffrent than the other some says oh dont get an amd it sucks and others just say save ur money and get an AMD , so here are my options:
1.Phenom II x2 965 3.4 Ghz
2.Asus HD 7770 Ghz direct cu
3.Kingston HyperX 4x2 GB 1600mhz
4.Gigabyte 80+ bronze 500w
5.Mobo any am3+ 1600mhz support.
1.i3-3220 3.3 Ghz ivy bridge
2.2.Asus HD 7770 Ghz direct cu
3.Kingston HyperX 4x2 GB 1600mhz
4.Gigabyte 80+ bronze 500w
5.Mobo asrock b75 or p75
Now my Question is which of those will play BF3 on Ultra ~ very high and Far cry 3 ultra
Note: i can wait and get an i5 3.1 ghz but which is more important in games bus speed or cores ?
another note my friend got an i5 3.1 ghz and saphire hd 7770 and 8gb kingston 1333mhz and he plays farcry 3 45+ fps and COD BO2 60+ (solid) and BF3 42 avg :D so will the i3 back my proformance down ? or should i get an AMD quad core like the phenom ... and thanks :D
Hello, and thanks for ur replys guys ... i wish i can do what @ragingh4vok and @spenlard i heard alot of downs about the piledriver at gaming is that true ? and @gigabusterEXE its the mid one not the very tall one and not the micro one
if you go with a am3+ mb when the new cpu's from amd come out (steamroller) you can put in a 8core and be good to go. so you loose a little fps with a Phenom II x2 over an i3 but you can upgrade to a better cpu than the i7 third gen. in 6-9 mounths. with the intel build you'll have to get a new mb to upgrade to the latest cpu (haswell). where the steamroller fx cpu is set to be over the haswell cpu's based on the intel and amd's roadmaps.
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/zici (750w psu for later builds.)
you know dual/tri core phenom II's can usually unlock to quadcore, so he could save a bit and go for a dualcore instead and still (most likely) get a quadcore out of it