I added a much better motherboard, the CPU will be more then sufficient for gaming if you OC it oc to 4.0ghz, or higher which you should be able to do easily on that setup, if you apply your thermal paste right. the better board will make upgrading much easier in the future.
OR you could go Phenomll X4 (like army pig did) and get a heatsync that will serve you extremly well.
Btw I personally use this CPU and it does really well at 4Ghz so you actually can't relly go wrong using it. Uless you had your heart set on that 6300. But if you didn't, ypu should go for the phenom,
The dark knight is a great cooler, but the vrm on that MOBO is terrible, and more then negates it. It will get a phenom to 4.0ghz, but good luck trying to OC an 8350 when it comes time to upgrade. I bought one and now reget it.
Yep, I actually have the exact same setup and OC as you. Upgrading you CPU is easy, and why buy one cheap mobo now and an expensive one later, at the same time as an expensive CPU, instead of buying an expensive mobo now? Besides, swaping out your mobo is a pain in the ass.
Why do you want a six core? many games don't even take full advantage of four cores. What I would advise you to do would be to buy a phenom and OC it for the time being, and upgrade to an 8 core when games start to take advantage of them due to the 8 core CPUs in the upcoming console generation.
I want a six-core because some of the much newer games like for instance crysis 3 are taking advantage of all 6 cores and also I want this thing to last for quite awhile and I feel like if I got a 4 core it would become outdated sooner.
Really, at that price point, your GPU is going to be the big limiting factor for your performance. A 6300 will bottleneck your GPU in Crysis. Once you have upgraded to a 7970, then we can talk about how much your CPU is effecting your performance. The only notable exceptions are games that have massive multiplayer maps and lots of activity in them like Arma or planetside. even then, your GPU will still determine >50% of your performance.