[Build] The Wedge of Doom!

I needed a workstation for offloading my rendering jobs to so I decided to reuse one of my spare servers as a work station.

Pics: http://imgur.com/a/0ER8J


C6100 Sled

CPU: Dual Xeon L5520 Quad core CPU

Ram: 24GB 1066 DDR3 ECC Unbuffered

GPU: Nvidia 8400GS, Just to get better monitor out at full res.

SSD: Vertex 3 120GB

Cooling: Fans

Case: Lol, it's kinda a door stop.


It looks pretty weird but it works well and I have just got it onto OSX with minimal issues :D.

the door stop packs a punch lol

is that your Doomsday weapon?

Pretty much, It's a CPU Mulit-threaded beast!

Where is the kaboom the earth shattering kaboom?

That's in the stuff that's getting Rendered :D


You should Fold with it!

That's what it will be using it for in the off time.

What kind of PPD do you get, if it is already Folding?


Looking at a 55C Load temp when computing :D

40k? Impressive! Are you Folding standard CPU or Adv units?

Standard, Can't quite get Adv to work. I haven't seen any others do it either in this range.

What team are you Folding for?


Nice, me too. Are you a millionaire, yet?

Kinda just started moving up north with cheaper power than Texas so I can fold more without it costing me a fortune 

I've been working my way up the ranks, myself, and hope to crack top 1000 before December.

What's your OCN username?