Build the best media/gaming pc for $350

Need a good build for around $350 that can be used to do some light video editing and be a decent gaming performer!

get a quad/six core amd apu, then get 8 gig of 1600mhz ram (corsair xms3 will do), if you want the advantages of CUDA then a 500 series card will do (also consider getting a 3570k instead of the amd cpu in that case), then get like a 500gb 7200rpm hdd. whack it in something like a NZXT M59 case with a corsair cx 500w. unfortuantely, i dont know dollars very well (im british) but i f you still have enough money afterward, then get a noctua NHD14 or corsair h80, and then you can overclock it a bit.

hope this helps

get a quad/six core amd apu, then get 8 gig of 1600mhz ram (corsair xms3 will do), if you want the advantages of CUDA then a 500 series card will do (also consider getting a 3570k instead of the amd cpu in that case), then get like a 500gb 7200rpm hdd. whack it in something like a NZXT M59 case with a corsair cx 500w. unfortuantely, i dont know dollars very well (im british) but i f you still have enough money afterward, then get a noctua NHD14 or corsair h80, and then you can overclock it a bit.

hope this helps