Build the Best AMD FX 8350 Gaming Rig for $1200 Question

On Jan 29,th  the Tek had an video:

Build the Best AMD FX 8350 Gaming Rig for $1200

I have bought the 410 NZXT Tempest case and was going to get the  NZXT Kraken X60 RL-KRX60-01 280mm

and wanted to know if it fits and mounts properly in the top of the case or was some mod needed on the mounting brackets.

Logan, when you built this case did you have any issue in mounting the cooling. 


Sorry I've been awake for 30 hours and was stuck trying to resize it =S


*Edit* And it looks like you will need to mod it.

I See the *- for the 280 mm I guess some hole modification is required?

I guess if I order the NZXT Kraken X60 RL-KRX60-01 280mm, I might have to bust out the dremel tool.


Has anyone installed this setup before?, what is envolved in making it work.


i made this:

it contains a better GPU. i also choosed for a corsair H100i instead of the krakan X60, notice that the krakan is better. but to save some money.

grtz Angel ☺