Two things I'm not entirely sure about are motherboard and monitor.
Motherboard: I can't decide whether to go with the Gigabyte or to get an MSI Gaming. Also open to other suggestions if people have them. I've never overclocked but I'm interested in the idea in the future.
Monitor: I've basically gone with the top rated monitor in my price range on PC Part Picker. I'm looking to do some gaming but that's the most extreme. No photography or video editing or anything like that. I'm coming from a 27" iMac but I reckon anything that size would be a) too expensive or b) too big for gaming.
Any suggestions for better performance for the price or anything like that are welcome.
Any midrange mobo of the big 4 (Asus/Msi/Gigabyte/Asrock) is great,so you are ok for the mobo part.Don't spend money on the most expensive ones as they are a waste of money.
Asus VS series are basically the best monitors for ms and contrast levels for the consumer level but they are tn panels so the color is not as good as an ips panel.IPS panels have better color and better viewing angles but you can't get good blacks(constrast level) and they glow a bit.Its a metter of personal preference.
Gigabyte motherboards don't overclock so well. The 7990 is a destroyer of worlds, if you could save a little more and get a 1440p monitor or a 144Hz monitor like this
Thanks for the suggestions. I'd love a 1440p but simply don't have the money for it. Maybe later down the line. The whole plan of building a system is so I can upgrade parts as and when I'm able to.
I've looked into the 7990 but I think I'm going to stick with the 780. I think the 7990 is probably going to push me over budget. I'm already over what I originally wanted just to get the 780.
Just out of curiosity, why did you go for the Phanteks over the H80i? It certainly seems like a good option for me so I'm going to go and look into that.