I want to build a new PC. I built my first PC with an APU, and it is not powerful enough to run the simplest of games or 3D modelling. I was wondering what the best value CPU and GPU would be. My workload is mainly: programming, 3D modelling, and gaming. I was looking at the 4690K, but I do not know if it is completely necessary. I was also wondering if this (http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-GTX760-Dual-Link-04G-P4-3768-KR/dp/B00E0N49C8/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1414803104&sr=1-1&keywords=gtx+760+4gb) is a good value or another GPU would be a better value. Thanks
As far as i look at your main workloads, i would realy advice you to grab an i7. if you can afford. i would say look at a 4790K with Z97 board if you can afford.
if that is too expensive, then i would recommend a Xeon 1231-V3 cpu, this is basicly the same cpu as a 4790 but then without an igpu, and its not overclockable. But it will still performs great in gaming, and it will be a decent cpu for your needs.
What is your total budget?
right now the AMD GPUs are probably the best bang for your buck ... as MisteryAngel asked what is your budget and do you plan to do more than game ,,, ?
I don't game particularly often. My main resource intensive activities are programming and 3D modeling (I don't model very large or complex things - just things I can 3D print). My budget for GPU and CPU is ~$400.
For ~$400 CPU & GPU, I'd recommend:
+1 perfect choice
It says it can only support 1600MHz RAM. I can't use 2400MHz RAM with that processor?
Which motherboard are you using?
You'll see <1% performance difference going from 2400 to 1600 ram in 99% of instances.
Depending on the motherboard you get - just load the XMP for you ram.
You could always sell your high spec ram and buy a cheaper kit and probably have some $$$ left over if it is such an issue.