Hey chaps and chapettes.
I need an answer (or multiple, if you want) about whether I should build a new rig now, or build one later?
I have the pluses and minuses for each that I can come up with, so feel free to contribute.
Build Now Pluses:
-Can play games now
-Could be more cost effective to build before the games I want are released (Titanfall, Watch Dogs, etc)
-Can get some practice in and get help with anything sooner when I don't need it as much
-Get used to Linux for when SteamOS comes out
Build Now Minuses:
-I don't know the specs of games that come out in the future/can't use CanYouRunIt
-SteamOS isn't released, so games won't be optimized
-Mantle has no support
-Uses up some Christmas money
Build Later Pluses:
-Can see what the specs are of games that come out in the future (after Christmas)
-Can buy the games such as Battlefield 4 and have them attached to the account, maybe play them on low-low settings until the new build
-SteamOS should be released (The release date is some time in December/January, right?)
-Mantle will have some support
-Have money from Christmas/Birthday/Job that I can save up
-If I work Christmas Eve/The day before my store closes down, I get a small bonus
Build Later Minuses:
-Have to wait to play games I want
-Games look like butt-sandwiches (Not as good as it sounds)
-I have two other systems I play on (360 and 2/3DS) that might suck up some money from boredom
-The games that require some major horsepower on this PC will look poopy
So, there ya go. I'm leaning more towards build later. Also, I think I'll be starting from the ground up, unless anyone recommends to just replace the stuff in my current computer (A Gateway DX-4380 with an AMD A10-5700).
So, thoughts, opinions, professional advice? Also, I'm a budget gamer, I enjoy finding ways to get the most bang for my buck, so Build Now kind of means order all the stuff on Black Friday/Cyber Monday.