Build help

This is my first build, and I am still learning everything so any help is appreciated. I am trying to build a top of the line machine for regular use/gaming/music editing(software like: reason, fl studios, ableton, etc). I am willing to spend the money on high performance parts and want quality parts so it will be fast and perform well. I want to be able to max any game out(and future) and play at high fps etc. I would like any thoughts or opinions you all have weather its to swap a part or do something differently.

Want to run 4k(possible multi monitor or 1 tv) in the near future(year or so).

I just have a couple questions:

Should I water cool it? (I may over clock but not planning on it)

Do I have too much ram?

Should I upgrade/downgrade anything?

gtx 970 or 980(worth the extra $200)?

What is needed to run 2-4 monitors?




Your PCPartPicker link didnt work for me, but for multi-monitor (Assuming each is 1080p) Id go at least for the 980.

Everything is compatible and but I wouldn't buy a 4K monitor because it's so hard to drive that you'll have to lower graphics settings to point where the game is butt ugly anyway; go for 1440p or 21:9 2560x1080p. 

For what you're doing you're spending to much on your CPU, RAM, and motherboard; put that money into a graphics card or two if you're gaming(I'd get two 4GB 970s). And yes, you do have too much RAM for what you're doing; you know you're building it wrong when the RAM is the most expensive part in your gaming PC. You'd probably be better off just getting i7-4770K because all the other stuff (mobo, RAM, etc) is cheaper.


Much better money management version:



zypher, thank you for you input....what is the benefit of having 2 gpus? other then better fps.... I will most likely be runing only 1 monitor/tv(4k in the future). I would rather have a faster machine unless 2 gpus are really worth it.

what do you all think about the auto over clock on the asus deluxe mobo?

2 GPUs is double the performance and more display outputs; with 2 Graphics cards you can drive 8 displays, and it's totally worth the money. 

-owner of two 760s

I haven't used an ASUS board before, but isn't it just automatic trial and error until it finds a stable OC at the desired temperature?

i mean if im only running 1 monitor or tv at 1080p(4k in future). is it worth getting 2 gpus? I would rather have a faster machine because I can add a gpu later in the future when I get 4k.

What do you mean by faster?

from my understanding you install your hardware and you run it and it auto over clocks to the margin your hardware has.

It works on the cpu side by first establishing a goal overclock so maybe say 4.4ghz. It will then do trial and error stepping up the voltage and multiplier until it gets to 4.4 or as close as the silicon allows. It usually is a slightly lower clock speed then when done manually, and uses slightly more power to get there. I always recommend  overclocking manually because the performance is slightly better, power draw/heat output is lower, and its a good learning experience.      

ya I have no experience or knowledge of over clocking. I am new to DIY PC. Truly if your looking to max out 4k, your going to need more then a single, or two, 970's. Dual 980's is really the best choice to absolutely max out 4k gaming. Its very expensive without a doubt, so maybe picking up a single this year and the second next year is a good idea. You could also look into the R9 295x2. It's 2 R9 290x's on a single pcb. The 295x2 is going to use 170 watts more then the dual Gtx 980's but the starting price is $100 cheaper. Performance would be maybe 92-97% of the dual Gtx 980's which at 4k could be a big difference in favor of the Gtx 980's, or it could be very minor depending on the game. If your running Crysis 3 at 4k then the Sli 980's are going to be a big leg up but if your playing counter strike global offensive then who cares, it runs on a potato.      

Having an i7-5820K+ASUS X99 Deluxe+a ludicrous amount of RAM for your use case isn't going to make your PC that much faster in the programs you use and the games you play in comparison to an i7-4770K+ASUS Maximus VI Hero+8GB of DDR3 RAM; it's better to spend your money on a more powerful graphics card or two.

Two 980s would perform a bit better than two 970s but you'd have to buy one 980 then save up for the next one.

And I really have to advise against 4K atm because it's just so hard to drive even with 2 GPUs. Maybe like 1 & 1/2 years from now it will be different but by then you'll be upgrading your GPU/GPUs anyway. I think you'd be better off with 1440p or 2560x1080p ultrawide. Also, TVs are HORRIBLE for gaming; the response times are usually abysmal, and the color/contrast/viewing angles/etc are usually all terrible as well 

Overclocking has become an easier thing as of late because there are soooo many good overclocking guides on youtube. I just did my first overclock yesterday on my processor and it started off with me staring at a bios screen seeing only random words and numbers that I had only a vague idea of what they meant. I then pulled out my phone, googled my processor motherboard combination and after watching a 20 min youtube video and then following the tutorial was finished. It took me something like 45 min. 45 minutes is a tiny amount of time and shouldn't be expected, mine only took 45 min because I hit the thermal capacity of my cheaper cpu cooler. But it was the easiest 45 min of screwing around the bios ever. I have a horrid overclocking bios and it was that easy. The Asus X99 Deluxe your looking at has one of the easiest bios's ever to overclock on.    

ok thanks for you input. I might get the 980 now.

4k on Sli Maxwell isn't that unreasonable. It really is an amazing experience and 2 980's would drive it max settings for most any game. You can play max settings Crysis 3 in 4k with dual Gtx 980's. The average I saw was about 56 fps which is definitely playable.

TV's can work for some gaming. With some fiddling in the TV settings higher end TV's can have there response times lowered to a playable rate. And we are talking very much premium 4k TV's so IPS is probably a given, and being 4k the panel quality should be very good. Color, contrast and viewing angles should be very good if its a IPS panel, and that kind of stuff with the exception of viewing angles can be adjusted and nearly perfected with some free ware and polishing. 

I just saw Anandtech's single card benchmarks for Crysis 3 on low @ 4K and the scaling is near double, so nvm; Caveman's right about the 980's driving 4K.

But a 4K TV is hella expensive and the ones under $1000 have less than decent specs other than the fact that they're 4K. I'd rather have better color reproduction and what not. If astimp13 wants to use a 4K TV to edit music and stuff then yeah, that's a great use for one because of the screen real estate for productivity. if he's going to use it to game too then he should get a large 4K-ish 21:9 monitor with high-end specs and decent response times.

It should be pointed out that the monitor in this video is also around the $1000 price point and is pretty hard to find. Plus a 4k panel will accept content much better without black bars. 4k is perfectly 1080p hd x 4. So anything that is in 1080p will scale perfectly to a 4k monitor. The resolution of 21:9 1440p is beyond ultra rare. I have never seen content readily available in that resolution. 3440x1440p. Has anyone ever heard of a 3440x1440p youtube video or movie? The simple answer is no. And being that I know of only 2 monitors in this resolution and no camera that shoots it; its not likely you will ever hear of 3440x1440p content. You can make game use the resolution but some will require some custom config files and some just wont plain work. Where as any game that runs in 1080p (so basically everything) can be scaled to fit 4k if the game doesn't directly support 4k. This allows for if in the future a game comes out that is just too graphically intensive to be played on the Sli 980's in 4k, then you can play the game in 1080p upscaled to 4k. And even better is that 1080p content on a 4k monitor looks even better then on a native 1080p monitor. Because the pixels are so much more fine and small the image comes out looking better then on a native 1080p monitor. Where as there is no perfect resolution to upscale into 3440x1440p. And if there is its so obscure and rare that I can't even find it let alone find content in that res.      

ok I am getting 16gb of ram now and putting that money I saved towards a 980.