here is my build
I have a monitor, keyboard, mouse.
The monitor is 1920 by 1080
here is my build
I have a monitor, keyboard, mouse.
The monitor is 1920 by 1080
What type of video games would you like to play and at what resolution, and do you care about higher settings specifically and asthetics? With such a motherboard are you interested in overclocking because if so I may suggest an aftermarket cooler for that 3570k.
i was hoping to play bf3 and other shooters my monitor is 1920x1080p i like nice graphics but im not aiming for super crazy graphics. and as for overclocking i wasnt planning on doing any but i saw on newegg the 3570k was the same price as the 2500k but if over clocking is a must i guess i could look into a sufficeint cooler capable of a small Oc
Whats your budget?
Also, from what I've seen the build looks solid unless you want to OC if so I would recommend you to grab an aftermarket cooler and your build should be set.
I am also thinking you have the OS if not then you might want to add that into your budget.
Well I was hoping to spend about 850 so Iooked for parts that added to 900 cause I was gonna buy parts during black Friday and cyber Monday.
Build looks fine to me. Doesnt look imbalanced. Should perform well for the price. I would get a Coolermaster 212 though (for 20 bucks its a pretty good improvement from stock)
ok i will look into that... thanks!
the psu will be perfect with tones of room for overclocking but upgrade the motherboard to an asrock extreme 4, because the one you picked wont overclock very far & chuck in a 212 evo (as tallgeese said) for the cpu and you should be able to push around 4.5ghz out of the 2500k :)
should i get the 212 evo or the 212 plus?
What is the difference between the 2 ?
You will play BF3 fine with that GPU and stick with the 2500k it overclocks more stable than the 3570k, the power supply is plenty for that build
Evo it has more airflow