is it possible to build a mobile pc/laptop with desktop parts and i dont know some how rig it up in a suitcase with a display in a very ghetto fashion. basically how can i build my self a ghetto, but not really ghetto since ill be using high end parts, laptop.
Sure you can if you really want to, there should be plenty of examples on the interwebs. The result will be bulky compared to a modern laptop, the size of a briefcase at least . Basicly what you would do is use a mini itx board, preferably a (expensive) mini itx PSU, use a pcie riser cable so you can put down your gpu flat (or use the IGPU if you dont care about performance), modify a 12V low power LCD display so it runs of a molex or something and just plug that in the hdmi port or something. You can use a thin rad on the cpu and make a exhaust somewhere with a slimmline fan, if you use a GPU get a blower style cooler and build your case in a way that it takes air in and exhausts. You might need to cram one or two small fans somewhere on the side so your system doesnt overheat. For storage a msata ssd would be best.
You would need some experience in 3d cad to plan out your build and either a good 3d printer or experience in metal or woodworking to make the endresult not suck. You would have to plug the ``Laptop´´ in to use it if you dont want to buy a huge and insanely expensive AC battery bank.
Yeah in theory I guess it is possible. Do you plan on putting a battery in it or just plugging it in when necessary? Do you literally mean using a briefcase or are you going to build your own case? Those are my biggest concerns. If it works for sure you need to post it. Oh and good luck getting a laptop display I honestly want to know how that works. It should be possible because laptop screens get replaced all the time.
i dont have any experience in cad, i mean i can design things and have before for projects that require blue prints and such things but i always have them in my head. nothing can compete with the greatest parallel processor on the planet, the human brain. i do have access to a 3d printer though, just no way of actually making 3d models to ''print'' and i dont have cad software.
you know i was wondering exactly how i would be able to connect a laptop display to this, to me it seems like the hardest part.
well i was thinking about putting in some batteries, but then i thought why waste the money and time to do that when it would only give me like an hour of use. it would also just be very expensive and i would rather use the money on something else. no im not planning on using an actual brief case, but something that is light and that is a suit cases shape, not too wide either.
For a laptop screen you would need a controller board set (like 50 $ on ebay for a specific model number, auniversal one might not work properly) since they usually run of a 30 or 40 pin, you also could use an old LCD that runs of 12V with only a few amps and wire that up from a 12V output of your psu.
would this be a good place to start from for a case
i can modify it later, you know cut out sections for fans and wires and such.
You should probably figure out what parts you are going to where and how and how to keep them all cool,
it would be a shame if you bought a case and its 4 mm too thin or will fall apart if you cut a bunch of holes into it.
This is probably along the lines of what youre planning btw
He could have saved some space by running to monitor of the psu instead of including the power brick and cable and by buying a smaller psu (instead of modding it)
the link isnt complete.
also any idea where i can get laptop screens.
Mhh weird, the link looks fine to me.
Ebay is probably your safest bet to get a large variety of screens.
do you think this would be good to use
i mean preferably id really like an 18.4 inch screen with gsync and it be 1440p, but i know that will never happen. ive heard of laptops with 3k displays i just havent found any to buy, the sceen not the latptop. also i heard that any monitor can be made to be with gsync, you just need to modify the panel and install the diy kit, can you do that with this monitor.
What about that thing Wendell built a while back, with the monitor arm attached to a case?
I tl;dr most of this post so let me know if this wouldn't work.
Edit: I found the link to the video (took me a while to dig up)
To my knowledge the g-sync kit only works with the VG248QE, I doubt there is a practical to get it to work with a laptop panel. If you really want to have gsinc youd have use a gsinc monitor, strip it down and run it either on your psu or unclude the power brick + cable.
The laptop panel should work with the right controller board, it doesnt say what part number youll get though.
This seller offers to pick out the right controller board if you tell him the part number of your display:
would i have to run water cooling on the cpu, like one of those prebuilt water coolers. id also like to the same for the gpus but i dont know of any graphics cards with prebuilt water coolers.
The only stock card with a water cooler that comes to mind is the r9 295x2, but you could also mount a regular AIO cooler to most cards with that
You could use a very low profile cpu cooler, but i would avoid pushing any hot air inside the case so no heat can accumulate. A AIO water cooler would be advisable for the CPU, for the GPU you could also use a blower style cooler/stock heatsink since all the hot air will be exhausted. The PSU should also be configured to exhaust, then you only have to figure out some good places for ventilation holes with mesh cover and maybe an intake fan if you have space left.
noooo, thats out of my price range plus 2 290xs costs 300 less than the 295x2. the kraken looks good, i just dont want to buy 2 coolers. are there any water coolers that can cool two gpus or a cpu and cpu at once. basically a radiator with two brackets to cool 2 graphics cards at once.
you'd be looking at a custom loop, but i dunno how you're going to fit all this in a briefcase... most people get full-sized towers for custom loops... and if you thought the GPU was expensive... wait till you look at all the components for a custom loop :P
that'll give you an idea