[Bug] Scroll bar vanished?

I don't know if this is a "bug" or if it's intentional, but I don't see the scroll bar on the forums anymore. Can we bring this back? It's really a pain to have to use the scroll wheel to move through some super long thread, especially compared to the old "click and drag" approach.

What browser (version) are you using?

the scrollbar is integrated on the side and can be poorly visible when having bad contrast (its also black/gray)

as for topic scrolling:

  • there are shortcuts available (@see menu top right)
  • is it still missing after refresh ? (because when the site is loaded, the browser might think that it already has all the data but is missing some, so the bar is only shown after reload of the page)
  • When browsing through threads use (shortcuts) or when you want to go all down the "end" button or you can simply click on the number shown on the bottom right, allowing you to jump to a certain post number/end/beginning

For me it happens In chrome. Interestingly for me over the past week its disappeared and reappeared, currently its not available, no idea why. Css change?

It's always there in Firefox.

I'm officially weirded out now. I viewed this topic from an emaillink and now the scroll bar is back. Weird...

as I priviously stated and discovered too:

When loading the page the first time, the browser only sees a fraction of the content, not adding a scrollbar. But after reload/revisit more is loaded to the site (due to cache maybe) and the bar is added.

might have something to do with the after-page-load ajax or whatever is used to get further content in.

solution: refresh (have had the problem when posting the last reply and a reload fixed that)

A reload sometimes fixes it for me, but not always. Interestingly, if I go into Developer Tools in Chrome and disable/re-enable the "width" parameter for the webkit scrollbar, it magically returns. Now I'm really confused.

it looks like JS problem, didn't find anything in CSS that would hide it