[BUG] Adds show up on No Ads account

I am happy to support The Tek by having adds on even though I am a teksupport member and a patron backer. I just thought Id point this out.
It is like this across all browsers IE Chrome and Firefox.

I apologize if this was already reported.

Let me know if you need me to provide any additional detail.

is it possible your isp is injecting the adds into your browser?

Very unlikely. Im at work on a corporate connection internet is purchased in bulk from a company like level3 its not level 3 but a provider like that.

Its on my page as well, although I'm unsure as to if my tek support status has went through yet.

Do you have the No ads badge on you profile page like shown in the pic?

Most unlikely, as I get the adds served despit using 3 different ISPs (landline, cellular, my corps isp) and when tunnelling through my VPN and access the internet through my server at a datacenter ^^

So I am save to say, the ISP is ruled out =)

And yeah, I have the noadst as well through patreon.

same here

Yup, same deal with me. Same ad too. I've written to @gearheadgirl27 because it said on patreon she'd handle the association between patreon and here. I haven't gotten an answer, though I'm also unsure if she's the right one to report this to.

@Zumps I assume it's got to do with the backend; as I got assigned the patch and still the adds happen.

I am not to furious though... just energize your shields (adBlocker) and the "problem" is solved.

Nah, I agree, it's not invading in any way.

What's more annoying is the scroll bar disappearing from time to time in my Chromium, but that is perhaps on my end :P

I would't even go as far as to say its a problem just a BUG

A bug it is for sure as its unintended malfunction of the software. ^^
I think @wendell has the oversight about the programming and might be interested to know.

Yep, my thoughts exactly .

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Try the Ublock origin plugin on Firefox, it blocks adds pretty well.

I will tag @wendell in on this.
He has recently set this computex banner.
The banner is supposed to note that Logan and Wendell are going to computex.

See below.

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facepalms mazing how fast... 3 days... I can forget about things...

In addition to what @MisteryAngel said, let us know if your not happy with it being there. It's just a direct redirect from the teksyndicate ad server to computex.

I personally didn't mind for the specific reason Wendell said but obviously that's not everyone.

I honestly thought it was a mislead add that somehow slipped through both the NoAdds badge and µBlock so I added a rule for it O.o

It was irritating to me, but absolutely no hard feelings at all.

kind of a shame that the only way to get no ads to show up is to have an adblocker on. I've paid to support site as still saw ads. Gave it a month with no change from tek syndicate, so I just used adblock. Didn't feel bad because I was paying to support the site.

Hmmmm. I just noticed I do not, but I joined Patreon in Feb.
