Budget PC build

I need help building a 500-600$ gaming pc that can play any game on medium to high settings. I have no idea what parts are good and what not. As of now i dont have any parts. This is also my first build/

This comes up to I think $650 but its worth the extra $50 I think 

Includes a monitor and Win7



I will show you the fruits of my budgeting labour.

You can get a monitor and win7 after this build.

Or if you don't need win7/monitors use this.



What about this? 

Suggestion, get FX 6300 and you don't need a 2133mhz RAM so get 1600mhz...




This is quite good, the 650ti is a little bit better than the 7770, and the motherboard gives you plenty of upgrade path. It's a little bit on the pricey side, but I think it is worth it


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161406 - Radeon HD 7850 2gb 180 beats the GTX650ti 2gb Zotac 165


Anyway you should included tax rate of 8% inside the partpicker, I think that is the tax rate in USA for hardware... Right?