Here's the parts:
First: I'm wondering if this build will work for what I'm aiming for in the title.
Second: I'm curious about the capabilities of this apu. What type of games will this be able to run at optimized graphics settings.
And third: if there are any suggestions, please feel free to adjust the build. I don't need a discrete gpu for it, I might get one later on, but I wouldn't mind some suggestions on a blu ray drive. I chose this case because it was small and cheap, not really sure if there is something better for that purpose. Keep in mind I'm trying to keep this in the $400-$500 range.
I want to put this little machine in the living room where guests can use it to browse the web and maybe play some games on the big screen. My sister recently started getting hooked on League of Legends and is coming over to hog my pc lol. So I thought it wouldn't be a bad Idea to make something like this so I can keep my precious to myself haha. Anyway, thanks in advance!
Well, one of the users here decided to share his benches on his $350 machine, which uses the A10 APU.
I don't really have suggestions for the build. It looks solid, especially for the price. In my opinion, a blu-ray drive is a blu-ray drive; pretty hard to screw up optical disc technology. Get the cheapest one you can find. Well known manufacturers are ASUS, Plextor, Lite-On, LG, Samsung, etc.
you do know the 6800K is out now, right?
Where? I haven't seen it on either PCPartPicker nor Newegg. But even so, Richland is a minor update to Trinity, with a focus on efficiency. Hardly anything to fret over; it's still the same Piledriver + VLIW4 APU. Assuming there is a Desktop counter-part of Richland on the market right now, short of Richland being the exact same price, if not cheaper, I can't honestly recommend getting Richland. With the improvements in efficiency, it's better suited in the mobile space. In the desktop, the gains aren't worth paying any sort of premium, especially in a budget oriented build.
Yea I couldn't find it anywhere either. Anyhow, before deciding on one or the other I would have to look into the performance gains and see if it's worth it and also if the whole build stays in the same price range.