Budget GPU

Hello, I'm a simple man that is building his first rig with not to much cash to blow on a GPU, i was wondering for something in the 120 - 140 usd range

Look at the buy and sell thread there is a guy with 4 HD7970'S selling them for 140 bucks each

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Thanks but I don't want to be so border line

Make a offer https://forum.teksyndicate.com/t/wts-price-drop-msi-r9-280x-and-3-hd-7970s/79331

yo man isn't that card the older version of the r9 270x or something like that, also the magic of ebay

R7 265 is your best bet for that money. For a little more I would buy an r9 270. I also want to point out right now there's 30% off from superbiz on this card so you can buy it for 100 dollars.

No its not
R9 270 (AND R9 270X) = HD 7870
R9 280 = HD 7950
R9 280X = HD 7970

Also to make back some of the cash with some litecoin mining with this to make back the money, also for personal gain but what did you expect for me to give all of it to charity?

Well if you're doing mining, amd cards are better at it than nvidia. I run bitcoin utopia on my computer and my wife's computer. I have a 970 and she's got a 290 and her card flies through the workloads.

Thanks, with the current rate of litecoin to USD and my potential card and the difficulty, do you think i will make some cash?

Sure, but will it be enough to quit your day job? no

Anyway it'll be a great learning experience and an entry level card until you can save more money to upgrade.

New? 260x, or scrounge up another 40 dollars or so and you could get a 280.

Old? 7850s are going for about a hundred right now and they still work pretty well.

280 for 180? Man you gotta tell me where those steals are, my uber ghetto build will be upgraded

never mind, i found the guy for 150 he is selling a r9 280x

Well if you want one new


I dont care for new or used, just cheap as fuck

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That my friend is not cheap as fuck

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It's near $150, but ya if you can get a 280x for 150 then you're set.

The whole entire point of me asking 120 - 140 was to get decent GPU picks and then find them used so i could save more money towards other things