Budget gaming?

Ok so im building a pc for my friend and need some help.

I need a mobo psu ram cpu hdd and optical drive.

(I may of forgotten a few things xD)

He has asked for a 760 (£200) because he wants to play crysis at max and at atleast 30fps.

I also have a case £60 and os (bought ages ago)

The case (£60) and gpu (£200) needs to be included in the £450 budget.

Can it be done?

Challange accepted?

Help is always appreciated :)


Here's what I have so far. So correct me if I am mistaken; the budget is £450, less £60 for a case that you have bought previously?

There are cheap motherboards available, but many of them are inappropriate because they do not have heatsinks.

Here's a couple of motherboards to consider:





Might take it slightly over budget, but it is worth ensuring the quality of parts.

You can add SSDs and additional RAM later. You might need an additional molex to six pin connector, as the PSU only has a single PCIe connector.

You might consider the R9 270 or R9 270x. Balanced with the 750k or 760k. Not quite as powerful as the GTX 760, but those R9 cards will handle most games on ultra and some require a single 6 pin connector. Might be more appropriate.