Budget Gaming PC

My friend is looking for budget friendly desktop  (under $500), and wants to set it up on a 1080p monitor but he also wants to do some gaming at 1080p. The games he is looking to play are, Castle Crashers, All of the Call of Duty games, Counter Strike, Minecraft, World of Warcraft, Battlefield 3/4, Saints Row 4, all of the GTA games, pretty much games of all genres. Please help find a desktop that is under 500 dollars and can run the following games at mid-settings. Also we live in Canada so it needs to be off of a Canadian website. PLEASE DO NOT SAY "BUILD A PC" , THAT IS NOT AN OPTION.


You know what I'm gonna say and You know what everyone else is gonna say, build a PC. Is there a reason why that's not an option?

Is it the sales tax of The parts?

If it is not an option at least mention why. Because it'll be hard at that price-point...

Wait so you come to this forum to tell us not to tell you to build a PC! Look at this forum like 89% of us build our own stuff. Anyway I can't give a direct answer to that but what I would do is to look for a desktop pc (new) . You can get a Hp,dell,lenovo etc desktop with just 4gb of ram and a pentium etc. Since it's a tower you can buy more ram (HP give excellent models,images and resources on their motherboards just look for it ) . By this time the computer should cost $340 (U.S) if you go with the HP Pavilion desktops ;the low end ones . After that you could buy a gtx 650, 650 ti etc or an AMD 7770 or 7790 which you could find below $120 on amazon. Just look around you don't need a quad core cpu for gaming , a dual core is just fine most games rarely use the cpu and most only see utilize two cores. 



Just remember to expand the ram , get  a better gpu and UPGRADE YOUR PSU most systems use exact wattage with little or none overhead. You can get a bronze corsair psu for less than $40 .

What's weird is you eliminated the only possible way to get a gaming pc under $500.  So to be perfectly clear unless you find a druggy that needs money for drugs that has a awesome gaming pc he's willing to sell for $500 you won't have a gaming pc, unless you build one your self.  It's extremely easy to build one and it's a huge waste of money not to do so.

I don't want to be offensive but THE MASTER OF HIS LIFE's solution is basically building it yourself, just not very decent.

Yeah I know , but he seems lazy so all he has to do is add stuff lol

Yeah but the problem with his recommendation is a lot of companies don't use standard form factor power supplies.  They do that so you will have to buy from them.  Not saying that is the case with the hp but it might be that way.  I know for sure dell don't use standard power supplies in a lot of there systems( not all) so you can't always buy a new power supply from newegg and put it in.  So that's somethings that needs to be check before buying.  

btw that hp does use normal atx power supply.  

Or he could just build it him self not be lazy.

You wont find anything prebuild that will be worth much in bf4, those retailers have to live from something too.

If you would build it yourself 500 would be enough to play those games nicely in mid-high 1080p.

Your best chance is to find something used on ebay.


Keep in mind he lives in Canada.  $500 for him would be $478 for America.  Also I believe they have really high taxes. lol


just build it yourself, you can get sooo much help and documentation...