I am looking to build a gaming PC for around $500-600 just for the PC and have an extra 100 for a monitor
I would like to run games on High to Medium settings
I play games like CS:GO but i would like to play more demanding games
Can someone help build me a PC in this price range
This is also my first time building a gaming PC
Do you require peripherals or an OS to be included in the build? If not here is a very strong build for the money (It's an issue though if you want to play far cry 4 due to it not starting on a PC with only 2 physical cores): http://pcpartpicker.com/p/29Nq23
I don't need an OS and i don't plan on playing Far Cry 4 i didn't really like it when i played it so that wont be an issue.
I also dont need a mouse or keyboard.
I need a Monitor becuase i dont have one.
So the price can be over 600 cause the monitor
Then this build is probably the best bang for the buck. It might be worth spending a little bit extra for an I5-4440 over the I3-4130 (doesn't require a change of motherboard) but that is a decision you would have to make, it will equate to approximately $60-$70 increase in cost.
I know you're into CS:GO, but AMD is always an option, with the extra cores you're not going to find yourself getting locked out of things. Two cores isn't really going to do you well in the future. This is $565, so if you have some spare cash you might be able to squeeze an SSD/better CPU in there.
It might be worth waiting to build something, AMD's new GPUs will be here soon. Might be some shiny "new" better stuff.
I'm going to be waiting a little because i haven't saved up enough cash for my PC yet but my birthday is coming up soon so that is when i will most likely but a PC
To be honest if the FX-9590 loses to the I3-4130 in any game that is not heavily threaded which is about 99.9% of the games (Heavily threaded titles include BF4) then to me the entire FX lineup is not worth considering or mentioning unless you're looking for a very cheap rendering CPU.
Also with a budget of $600 (Without the monitor) I would say an SSD is out of the question as it takes gaming performance away. If you could choose between an R9 270 + SSD for example or no SSD and an R9 280X I would personally go for the R9 280x as gaming performance is irrefutably the most noticeable performance. The decrease in windows boot time or game loading times (Not that significant anyway except in games like BF4) is not worth the performance decrease.
Is with a better CPU (4 physical cores, no bottlenecking present anywhere in the system) and a monitor included. It is $30 over the approximate budget of $700 but if you ask me it is well worth the extra money. Of course the I5-4440 can be swapped out for a Skylake equivalent (With a skylake equivalent motherboard) if it is released by the time you are buying the system.
Bingo. Was literally putting a build together with that CPU just now, you beat me to it!
Having an 1150 mobo is quite nice - can upgrade to something more substantial if need be later on.
860K+ an R9 280.
What about something like this. Would this be able to play games. And would it be upgrade able in the future to a i-5. Or should i just save the extra money and buy an i-5.
or should i go with an AMD build?
Here is my build. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/xTgtYJ
The reason that I would go with Intel is that for CSGO is a game that is based of the old Source engine. What that means is that its old and doesn't use many cores and needs requires a lot from the CPU. Don't get me wrong if you are planning to game with AMD its just that if you are going with AMD compared to Intel just for CSGO you will kind of regret going with AMD, I have been there.
Will this run new games too? Not just cs go
Yes it will run other games fine at medium to high settings at 1080p. As for CSGO Max settings Obviously
I'd actually venture to say it will run games high-max especially if you overclock the 280 nice build.
I get well over 120fps with a 750K based build in CSGO.
I used to get 90-200 with an oced fx6300 when i upgraded to intel at least 180 fps or more. thats just changing the cpu alone.
Do I need the cpu cooler? Just to be safe?
not really just to keep the system more quite.