I have a build for my college student. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/JyBq
I'd like it to run on the higer settings with the newer games out there as well as what may come down the pike. I used the smaller case because college dorms don't have the most space. I have this because a comparable laptop would cost easily twice as much as this build. I already have a nice 1080p TV with HDMI and AVG monitor ports.
Will this run games on 1080p and medium to high settings? If it can, then it can do everything else a college student will need it to do as far as productivity is concerned.
When you're a college student, you always have to find ways to get things for free. You can get the OS for free.
You got an old HDD? if so hell ye ssd why not, but if you don't, just grab a HDD. wd caviar blue/black or a seagate barracuda, budget build = don't waste time with luxuries like an ssd
Grab 8 gigs for less than $60, other than that I dig it
It cna run games, simply youtube search "a10 5800k 6670" and you'll see videos of people playing games and benchin' some even list their pc parts in the dscription to help you tweak your's
hey man i would recommend going with something like AMD FX proceccer maybe FX-6100 or FX-6200 six core and also you want to spend more money on your graphic card, so i would say like 7850, get HDD insted of SSD save some money and also get more storage. well insted of me explaning all the things I just build the pc for ya!! Check it out see the difference between the PC you build and I build for ya and decide which 1 you wanna get!!! Here is the link: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/JA4v
Get FREE OS via your college. With the savings you can get a real graphics card and cpu ditch that apu setup. Just my two cents. Best of luck on your build.
Thanks for the suggestions. I left out some info that might be important.
There is a Blue-Ray player so my student doesn't have to drag their player from home.
I would have gotten a free OS from the school, but they don't offer one for my student. Again, this is for my college student, not me.
My young collegiate games regularly and will be dragging this around to LAN parties, so it has to be durable and small if possible.
I currently have twin 7970's at home which they are not taking to college. I'd like to replicate that kind of performance, or at least try to come close, with the APU and matched GPU.
Thanks for the suggestions and build ideas so far.
If you have a 600 dollar budget or more, you can get way better stuff than an APU with crossfire headaches. Just like MisteryAngel suggested, get a FX6300 (a CPU that is, not with integrated graphics) with a 7850 (a good budget card) or something in that direction, it will perform better than a APU in crossfire.
Btw, any chance your name is Bill Detwiler from Techrepublic? :p
I agree MisteryAngel go with FX-6300 or something and also 7870 you just need to get blueray insted of reg cd/dvd drive which will cost you about 50 $ ( i just show the price of FX-6300 and 7870 & also last time i was just wanted to let you know that there are good choices then going with APU with XFire)
Thanks for the comments. I figured out a way to keep at my budget and get a good build in the process. Here's what I came up with--NEW BUILD. I'll be going with LINUX as I found a great program that works for the Blu-ray player called PotPlayer.
So, how is this? It won't stack up with my twin 7970's, but it will work on high settings for every game the kid has so far.
This is my current build it actually quite nice. I was really skeptical about the APU build but am quite glad I went that way. I know not as budget as most APU.
That is true it does but for my needs and me just wanting to build with the APU for the experiance. I just didnt need the heavy graphics for my needs light gaming and web browsing.