Budget build PC Need feedback

I have 2 PC options to go with, I made a 6-core one but PCpartpicker says "Some AMD 970 chipset motherboards may need a BIOS update prior to using Vishera CPUs." so im not sure if that will inhibit my ability to go with this build. or I have option 2 which is a 760K athlon build. Im going to upgrade from the 7770 in the future to a GPU in a $250 range around mid to late summertime. My main concern is on the 6-core one that has that error so if someone could shed some light on either of the builds i should go with, it will be appreciated. Thanks.

(Btw budget is $400-450)


6-Core Option 1: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/eblkxchaos/saved/3RUe

760K Athlon Option 2: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/eblkxchaos/saved/3RRc

http://pcpartpicker.com/user/GamingGuru93/saved/3S1E Changed the PSU because my general rule i only go with corsair or seasonic and if all options are exhausted antec.some people may call that ridiculous i just like to pick trusted brands. I tend to get corsair because they are good quality but not overpriced like seasonic. Other than that you're build is really good for a budget can't get much better for a budget then the 6300. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/GamingGuru93/saved/3S1E

I like the sixcore option but msi is the brand that made me choose a ta 970 biostar over it. I recommend something like the 6 core and a Asus evo 990x or a 990fx. Future upgradeablity to a 8 core and good ocing head room. If your not overclocking your amd your not getting your money out of it. :)

Yeah, im doing some research right now about the Mobo with similar Fx 6300 builds, and im not hearing great things about the Mobo itself, i went with Msi for OC genie but from what i see, this is not a good board for OC

NO DEAR GOD NOT MSI AM3+! They are a ticking time bomb. By far the worst AMD motherboard maker. Get a cheap asus or asrock. Msi is asking to blow up 

I understand where you're coming from about trusted brands, i was just like you picking corsair as my default PSU. However i have a friend that has a EVGA 430 watt PSU and he highly recommends it, he says its super quiet and works well, plus he bought a nice EVGA 660 SC to upgrade his build. So i wouldn't completely render them as an unreliable brand. but thanks for the feedback!

Haha, agreed. its my first build so i obliviously don't want to go with bad quality parts. its unfortunate that only MSI has something like OC genie cuz that would help a noobie like me but i'll have to find a suitable replacement Mobo. Microcenter (the store im getting the CPU from) has 4 different Mobos i could combo with the CPU (excluding the MSI one) to save money so ill look into those