Budget build opinions

Let me know what you think. Big into open source stuff so I thought I would stick to AMD... plus the fact #AMDisforpoorpeople. Have a case that should work for now until I build my custom desk so no need there. Mostly gaming and programming in Windows and Linux. Kind of want to get into OCing just because. OCs that are good withing air cooling parameters. Not really much of a budget but don't want to piss the wife off too much and don't care about much more resolution than 1080p.


If you are puttingputting down 1,4k $ I would say that your cpucpu is a little underpowered. Look for Intel 4770k and a matching motherboard. With that weak amd CPU it would probably bottleneck your r9 290, which is a great card for the price. And I think that 8gb ram would be enough. You could upgrade later if you feel the need and invest that money in a better CPU.

Cheers, David

tweaked. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/b3KrsY thoughts? I know I'm being hard-headed about the AMD stuff but ya know...

If you are hellbend on amd, (I'm using amd for years myself) get an fx8350 and a 990fx motherboard and you'll be all set. Or you can wait for the new amd zen CPUs. Your decision. That Athlon is just a terrible choice for a decently high end system.

Hey, I tweaked your list just a bit. The card isnt in stock on partpicker but 329.99 on Amazon, so combined about same price, Computer should be beast

Also if you got 200$ more to spend, heres a good FreeSync monitor to go with that AMD red ;) here are links...

Stop messing with us.

I am a bit hellbent. Especially what I just heard that AMD is thinking about making their x86 and ARM pin compatible. That's awesome to me. And I'm a lil bit of a tinfoil hatter when it comes to companies once they get to a certain size.

@Meo_IV So considering your suggestion, my tweaked link looks like it'll do me good until those zen CPUs get cheap?

Me? Or the guy above you that looks like a spammer?

Your build is just all over the place, either you're joking, or you're rather inexperienced.

Rather inexperienced in buying new hardware. Haven't been back into the computer game very long. Especially in relation to shopping for new HW. Can you explain why you say all over the place?

From the top I suppose, you say you want overclocking, but you've on a single 120mm? radiator.

Your gpu is a bit overkill for 1080p, you could save a bit by getting something like a 280.

you've a 500gb SSD, and a 4TB hard drive(which is a bit dangerous), so like do you really need that much storage?

a dvd drive just kind of takes up space at least for me.

and then the fans are a bit much, as well as the fan controller, though I'm a fan of fan controllers myself so, eh.

Really though, you don't really need to spend a thousand dollars on this rig to do what you want it to do.

Also you could save a hundered or so on the monitor by going with a 21.5" 1080p IPS display. or if you like shave down the other parts you could get a nice 4k ips display or a 21:9 1440p display. Which would help out your programming quite a bit, and it's not like you couldn't just run games windowed at 1080p.

I'm not a spammer, I just did links to make it easyer for you to see...only trying to help

I mentioned possibly getting into it. Thought that cooler would handle a mild OC. Haven't spec'd anything to really think about how close I am running to limits of the components. ( I am also right out of engineering school so kind of building this as an exercise in my "knowledge" so not just throwing the biggest stuff at it in the cooling sense)

I may go 1440p in the distant future. May also get into GPU accelerated programming so I went that way. I will consider your suggestions in this area heavily before making the actual purchase. Also don't want to be left wanting by next year in the GPU department. May change my mind on the 1080p thing at some point so creating cushion for myself.

I thought I might dual boot windows and linux on the SSD. I meant to check the 3TB WD Black (have the best rep) which gives me some space while I save for my NAS build.

Still have CDs I haven't converted and there might reasons, so a disc drive won't really bother me. Won't be worrying about space once I finally build my desk.

I'm trying to not even get into water cooling at all, so that's where the "overkill" case fans come from. I'm actually not even a fan (no pun) of the fan controller on that list. Would prefer at least digital, maybe even software. I don't actually know the extent of fan control in the BIOS or things like that cuz the HW I have right now is so old.

I'm a bit all over the place myself so I guess my build reflects that.

Thoughts given these details? Also thanks for the fully outlined response on why I'm wasting my money.

at least check the partpicker link I put above. I put a better cooled gpu, a better motherboard, a faster hdd, 1866mhz ram instead of 2133 because 8350 only does 1866, all for the same price. And suggested a 1440p 1ms freesync monitor for 450$ -.-

Just the nature of the post looked kind of crazy to me. I will look into most of that stuff. Don't know about spending that much on a panel right now, though. Thanks for the heads up on the RAM speed. These are things I haven't looked into just yet.

You're just going to have to decide what you want.

Do you want some overkill hardware for 1080p that'll let you upgrade to 1440p later?

Or, what I'd suggest you do, You could spend your money on a nice display like a 21:9 1440p monitor or a 4k IPS monitor. Which is going to help your programming out a good amount, and then whatever is left over(around $600ish) you could put towards your PC, which would be a pretty capable 1080p gaming rig.

And then, down the line, the cost of running said 1440p/4k display in games is going to go down, giving you pretty good bang for your buck, plus I mean just in generally the monitor is going to last you longer than the rig you build for a ton of money, at least from my experience.

Someone should tell my Sabertooth that. It didn't pay attention "(

Heavily considering the monitor suggestions. Here's a stripped down version, a bit 'my bare minimum'. So the price at the bottom of the link


plus actual market price for a Vapor-X (which is the one I was going to get anyway, but I wanted a cohesive price estimate straight from partpicker the first time) which makes it something like $900. Then there's me trying tell myself (and my wife) that half that much over again is what I need to pay for a monitor......

:: Story on lack of PSU in this link :: I actually have a Thermaltake 550 (I think) that should do me for a paycheck or two to make the impact a lil less until I can grab a 750 or an 850 for some overhead for future endeavors. Can also save wattage and money by waiting on that rad as well, but I figured why not


is a 2-5ms 1440p panel even worth it as long as it has 144hz refresh? Or is that something that doesn't exist?

Pairing a low end cpu with quite a high end gpu will hold it back. Not starting a war but facts is facts. Higher end cpu ~ i5 wont hold back a 290 from stretching its legs. High speed ram for budget builds (unless for dedicated APU builds) is a waste of money ~ 1600 ddr3 is fine.
Also a lot of not so much wasted budget but I'd say mis-spent money - expensive case fans, fan controller (control fans through the motherboard or case fan controller in the below build), and there is no mention of a case.... I assume you want a case yeah??
Anyways with that budget here's what I've come up with.
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Fsj3nQ - i5, 16gb ram, good mb, 290X, good psu, really nice case, 500gb samsung 850, same 2tb wd black, same monitor, same slim slot optical.... and the build is cheaper.

Maybe I'm too much of a numbers guy but.... Also is your response to my OP? Cuz I've tweaked it a couple of times based help I've gotten so far. Either way my response:

  1. I didn't see a K on the i5 you suggested, and my understanding of bottlenecking is when CPU speed can't keep up with GPU speed. Maybe that's my ignorance talking. So from that I could see suggestion for something slightly slower if it was unlocked. I have changed my CPU to a 4 GHz 8350 from that APU in my OP.

  2. Don't know much about OCing yet but I understood that a lil headroom in RAM speed helps if I get around to trying it. Have went with much slower than I had originally based on help so far.

  3. Wasn't sure about the fan controller. If I can do it from the mobo, definitely will. Especially since that would be a PID type control (much preferred).

  4. Have case that will work for now. Fairly sure I stated that somewhere.