Just looking for some Deals I don't want to miss for black Friday. I am not the best and messing around with part picker and figuring out the best price. any help is appreciated.
As close to $500 USD as possible rebates are fine.
USA. Midwest.
Online orders only please.
I do NOT have keyboard and monitor but they do not have to be included unless there is an amazing deal out today.
Will only be using the computer for gaming.
NO OVERCLOCKING idc about that kinda stuff just want nice fps in league of legends and faster load times in path of exile. i may add an SSD in later for that.
No custom water cooling in the future but i live really far north and my house is ALWAYS cold.?
I could use an operating system but that does not have to be included in the price.
If you Game-
I just don't want to lag when on high quality i don't mind not having insane fps.
I like big screens but honestly that isn't a big issue.
League of Legends. Zombie games Not many FPS. Uh, a lot of simple games on steam.
Heres a build, $10 over budget but it does include an SSD plus WIndows: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2dr9h
I did try to make an Intel build for the budget but for the price range, you're better off going with AMD as you'll get more performance at the lower end of the price range.
Will that power supply be enough i had a computer last year that i had a 530W was a similar build and stuff went crazy and i was told it was due to having a low Watt power supply.
It should be fine yeah, the estimated wattage draw from that system is 365W so the 530 should give you enough headroom. If you have doubts though, here's a revised build with a 600W unit http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2drUQ
I did this quickly, but it should be good. If anyone sees a cheaper GPU let me know... this might be slightly over... that Rosewill PSU mentioned by Paralell might do the trick. Also, this GPU is about the same as the 270, and I like the cooling unit.