Budget Build Concept & What Could be Better

Hey guys! My friend asked me to make him a build around 500 dollars, and I think I did a pretty good job with bringing the parts together. The only problem is the 600 dollar price tag. I know the AMD is an APU, so I was thinking to remove the GPU, or find a cheaper alternative, unless this one is the best in the price range. Really anything besides the APU can be replaced, because I really do like that in the build. Also my friend has a spare hard drive, so I went with an SSD. I basically took Tek's build, and modified it a bit since some of those parts weren't on sale or on PCPartPicker. Any feedback to lower the cost and make this to its full potential is appreciated!

Link to Build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1XA7T

Parts that could be replaced so far:




Also I was thinking to replace the current GPU with a 7950 Radeon card, so that's a possibility too.

An apu with a dedicated graphics card..... What? Please explain your logic.

Good question because now I feel plain dumb lol. Just... forget about that. Derp on me ._. But anyways, is there anything else bad with the build? I'm removing that GPU now because it's not needed. Thanks for letting me know of my really stupid mistake XDE