So my mom got tired of working on her shitty old computer and called me to build her a new one her budget is not that much and well right now she does have a hard drive 500W power supply and a case...
What i suggested for now is
-Asrock FM2 A68M DG3
-Cpu AMD Athlon x2 370K
-Corsair Ram 2gb DDR3
If you have any suggestion please do tell
Hey Ninja,
You may want to consider 4gb of overall system ram if you can afford it just have a little extra wiggle room(considering multiple browser windows w/ YouTube or streaming music and productivity software - i usually use at least ~ 2.3 gb doing those things).
Other than that, it seems pretty reasonable if she isn't going to be doing a whole lot.
Best of luck with it!
definitely more ram...
also, an ssd would make it A LOT faster..
though id go min 128.
Very good advice, i would keep your eye out for sales or check a local retailer like Microcenter or Frys (as well as Aamazon and Newegg) as they typically have pretty good deals on SSDs.
Yeh it seems that ssd hard drives are getting cheaper by the month....i think i have another 2 gb in my drawer somewhere anw but i will consider the ssd and my mom just needs the computer for excel document and some light browsing
I would prioritize the RAM over the SSD if you are really budget constrained.
Shoot for the A4 7300, and throw in at least 4gbs of RAM, and maybe an SSD if the budget allows