Btrfs/zfs on a flash drive

I use flash drives for archival purposes and would like to have some check summing to prevent long term data corruption. What is the state of btrfs/zfs drivers for windows 7. Also what tool could I use GUI/cmd/powershell to create a zfs/btrfs volume. Thoughts?

Not sure if you can use btrfs or zfs on windows (I doubt this very much), but having check-summing does not protect you from data corruption, you need to have redundancy too. If you just want check-summing to verify that the file shaven't become corrupt you could just store hash values for each file on the flash drive and then check the files against that if you copy the files off.


nonexistent, and these formats do not transfer significant benefits to single-drive cold storage backups (as you describe your system to be)

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Any way to automate this?

As per the article, create 2 partitions for RAID 1 parity?

I'm sure there are many backup applications which include checksumming, and it's pretty easy to incorporate in to a script if you want to do it yourself.

On the same disk? Not a great idea. In theory it would work but the performance would be awful. Plus you lose the redundant part of redundancy which kind of defeats the purpose, as there are better ways to deal with corruption than that (just having multiple copies for example).

Well performance was never a priority. As for the redundancy having 2 drives would indeed be better. The redundancy goal was to prevent the 1 in 10X16 corruption. Not sure what it is for nand though. And the nand in flash drives are typically of lesser quality so the likelihood of corruption should be higher. It's just a cost effective way for me to store ~250gb of old data.