Btc mining team prize ideas

Hey, so this is gonna acts as a suggestion thread for prizes for the giveaways that we run.

You can make any suggestion you want and it doesnt matter what it costs, it could be some $5 indie game or a $2000 computer. 

If you are suggesting games, plz give the name of the game and the current price on steam (or wherever it is being sold).

If you want to suggest graphics cards or keyboards or cases or whatever, just leave a link to the newegg page of that product.

In addition, you can suggest random stuff that is not necessarily computer or tech related.

We are starting up this thread because we really want to know what you guys want and then we'll try to work out a way to put it in our giveaways.

Let the suggestions roll in and i hope you guys come up with some cool ideas.

I want all 3 Egyption God Cards!

lol... with that i could help you :D


I would want .. It cant be bought on newegg, sorry.. :)

I honestly think that 7970 upgrades should be the only prizes being given out considering that a 7970 in itself is a significant prize.

Things like whole computers will most of the time not be necesary since people will already have parts that they would prefer to use and also fairly good computers making the $2k just be a small upgrade.

Worldwide giveaway please.

Arma 3 ($32.99)

Metro: Last Light ($49.99, $44.99 with %10 discount for people who already own Metro 2033)

Counter Strike: GO ($14.99)

Samsung SSD 128gb ($149.99)

I actually kind of agree, but those cards are hella expensive and we only raised roughly $800, some of which will go to TekSyn.

I agree with Saske because a 7970 could benefit Tek Syndicate more if they decide to use it for mining and it is a really good prize in itself anyway.

Hmm I'm not at home so I can't do any suggestions. But it would be a good idea to give out Gpus to the more active miners to rake in more bitcoins. We could also have tier prizes for example give out mousepads and other accessorys for Lowe activity members to mechanical keyboards for mid tier active miners etc. this is all assuming we can actually track how active the members in the pool are.

Winners get breakfast prepared by Logan?

Yeah, 7970's are our favoured option at the moment, but we still want to see if eveyone wants some other stuff too. And as for tracking, dont worry, we know how much and how often eveyone's mining, so we use that to generate the number of entries you get.

We are also definitely trying to do worldwide giveaways, but we need to work out how to best do it.

This is a great idea.  Various tiers for prizes would be pretty cool.  I could definitely go for a prize such as a new mouse or keyboard.  This is what I had in mind...

Razer DeathAdder Gaming Mouse

Any right handed iteration of this mouse would be fine with me.  And for a keyboard, perhaps something mehanical?  If not, then just something nice, shiny and built for large hands would be cool.  I'm pretty sure some of us could appreciate a mouse pad.  I know I sure could, lol.

Anyways, here's some of my suggestions that I built off of StormSurges advice.

An HD 7970 would be a pretty awesome prize, but I just don't foresee myself receiving one of these.  I mine as often as possible, but my GTX 670 is just too slow for this kind of work.

Oh yeah! I forgot one.  An SSD or HDD would be another cool prize (imo).  I'm one of the few that could appreciate an extra terabyte of space or the improved read and write speeds of an SSD.

Yeah, we need some stuff thats cheaper than a 7970 otherwise all the slower miners will never see anything.

That's my thinking anyway.

Yeah, we might give away an SSD, that can be easily arranged (i think)

Giving away some of these would be good to benefit the slower dedicated people *cough* ;D while being half as expensive as a 7970:

Maybe some smaller prizes that a lot of people can get like performance fans and things like that, maybe even close or custom loop cooler for video cards ect...

I know if my system was a bit quieter and cooler id mine at a higher OC when i sleep. 

that and maybe help people buy parts to put together a decicated mining PC, i know id only need a PSU,case and decent GPU (200-300$) to put together a nice dedicated mining rig.


Ultimate LAN systems

Keyboards & Mice


yup, we're looking at giving stuff to those who don't have that many shares.

i'm going to make a post soon with heaps of details about the details