sorry if this is the wrong place to post this just happened to me about 30 minutes ago still googling away but I figured I would make a post here
I got a blue screen kmode exception not handled and I cant remember the error number but it was something a long the lines of bw864 and then the computer rebooted and then It said OS wasnt found please reboot I have a 128gig Samsung SSD please help
Make sure it's all plugged in, and check your bios to make sure it's detected. If it's plugged in, try a different power plug or different SATA port. If your bios doesn't detect it, clear it either by pulling the battery or your dedicated clear cmos switch or jumper. If all this fails, try your SSD in another PC and see if the bios can detect it. If that doesn't work, RMA your SSD.
Ok so how does this make sense I had 2 other Drives on my computer without any OS on them I booted to first and no OS error like I expected and then for shits and giggles and I tried booting to the third and it worked even though I told my computer to boot to a drive without an OS it booted to my SSD can anyone explain this?
Btw I have no idea what caused the blue screen I was doing what I always and this is the first time my computer has BSOD since I built it a year ago