Browser Hijacking

So I have been using a MacBook Air 13" for about a year and a half now. Recently I have formatted my MacBook because I was running out of disk space from just cluttering my storage with films I have ripped onto my pc. Since doing the factory reset I have installed both Mac OS X Yosemite along with Windows 10 Preview (as I am thinking of switching). Since doing so however I have been getting my browsers hijacked it feels like as every now and then I will have a page from pop-up on my screen from just clicking on random links, it has happened from clicking between links on, and from even using Steam app on Windows and looking at games in the store. At first I thought it was just a Windows thing so I went back to using OS X but had it happen on that OS as well, I then thought it was something wrong with Google Chrome as that is my browser of choice but then I got it when on Steam in the Steam Browser.

I don't know why or how this has happened? I don't watch porn and I thought OS X couldn't get viruses or malware? Can someone please tell me why this is happening and how I can stop it because its really not something I want to see, it has only happen 4 or 5 times in the last couple days but its not pleasant.

Someone please help me.


Additionally I have done a Malware check in Windows using Malwarebytes and that software detected no threats and after messing with 'regedit', going into about:config for Firefox and resetting all browsers I couldn't find anything as well as it didn't fix anything.

use teamviewer They recently added itbrain antimalware. Worked wonders for me just a few days ago. found shit I didn't know I had. It was only adware though. As I do use adblock I didn't even know I had them.

on windows you can type remote in the start menu and find "allow remote access to your computer" click that and find where it says remote desktop and check don't allow connections to this computer and apply, see if that works.

you can also open cmd on windows and type "netstat" and see if any ip's you don't recognize are coming through then block them with a firewall

Two things to help you in windows. 

You can always add the domains that you don't want to see in your host file.  If you do that it will load a white screen instead of the site.  But that does not fix the underlying problem.

In order to find and remove some malware you can run a program called ultimate process killer.  There are some message boards out there that you can upload a list of processes from that program.  Helpful people can then tell you which of the processes you need to kill and remove.  I have not used that in years so you will have to dig for a site.

Considering this is happening on mac os and windows maybe your router has been compromised? I have had a few instances were clients systems continued to get redirects no matter what was done.

Turns out they had the default settings for logging into the router and it had been compromised. Resetting and updating the default login etc solved the issue.

Might be worth checking.