Brothers first build

So this is what we have so far total budget is $750. He primarily plays online multi-player, I have convinced him not to buy  the xbone. so i want him to get a decent experience for the money.


i would like to know if i can give him a better experience or options for him to look at .




Hitachi Ultrastars have a terrible failure rate.  Otherwise, it's a pretty good build.  Some tweaks here and there to help bring the price down, but the base build is good.  I lost some parts matching, but there's no window on the case so :3.

Looks good. 

I'd grab the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo, Cheaper RAM if you can find it too. 

Also the NZXT Source 210 Elite is nice and a bit cheaper. 

lol, that's exactly what I did.

Thank you for telling me that, i hate that you can't read the comments on pc part picker.

err i mean that you can not read why something is rated the way it is.

Thanks guys for the tweaks happy to know its in the right direction. He'll be glad to see its a little cheaper too.