First of i just want to apologize for my first post here being for tech support, but all my google-fu has failed me.
On to the issue
I got a problem with my laptop screen. It’s an asus notebook, win 8.1, maybe 3-4 years old. Don’t know the model since I’m kinda illiterate, but i guess i could look it up if it’s really important
The thing is when i move my screen even slightly, it just turns into a striped colored mess, usually of green or magenta, sometimes and flickers back and forth like crazy, sometimes it stays the same color with vertical blackish lines across the screen, until i rotate the lid some more and i get a complete whiteout. The first time it happened i thought maybe the graphics card was broken since it just happened randomly, so i plugged it in to my TV with an HDMI cable and i still got an image so the card was at least working. Next obvious fault i could think of would be a loose or damaged cable right? well i don’t think that’s it either, because if i get the problem, insert an HDMI cable, the desktop resolution changes because of the TV settings, and then i get picture again (on my laptop), then if i pull the cable out, resolution resets to it’s original without problem and i get picture. another way to “fix” it is to press the power button and go into sleep mode, and then start it up again, fixes the problem, until i touch the screen or there is some shaking, either by me moving it or setting it down to fast/rough, or by environmental vibrations. Using it on a train or boat is a complete no-go.
problem looks similar to pic, but more “solid” with usually only one color, and not as fabulous
So since it’s not the card, and not a cable (even opened the lid casing and removed/reconnected the screen) could it be the screen position sensor acting up? like a faulty gyro or something? sending some signal where it doesn’t know if the screen should be on or off at the same time? i mean unplugging and re-plugging the LCD screen DID work for maybe a day and a half, but i guess that just because of throwing all the parts around knocked the sensor back into place or something? I’ve changed the settings to “On lid close do nothing” but the problem is still there.
When i google, everything with similar symptoms is said to be a bad cable connection, but IF that were true, ye olde arcane art of “turning it off and on again” shouldn’ work, should it?
I humbly lay myself at your mercy