Broke Bat Mountain - Pc Arkham Knight still a big steaming pile of broken

At E3 Sony said ff7 would 'first to ps4'. It'll likely have a multi platform release, but I'll gladly pay for a ps4 to play the game. I'm the walking talking embodiment of a ff7 fanboy. Even if 9s my favorite, I know I won't get a remake of that.

Oh, this 7 is not going to be like that 7... They will f up the battle system and they have stated, that they will also f up the story...
Still I hope for PC release, since most Squenix PC games run fine on PC... Not like WB, boobisoft or electronic farts...

i think that the game will never be fixed.

Of course it will not be... It's just second Unity. They will patch it a few times and move away to the next project...
I am actually really surprised, that they didn't fix it... Well, so much for batman... Started really strong with Asylum, and with every new title things got worse and worse...
PS: Have they even updated their steam page with the new system requirements of 12GB ram, or we have classic misleading on the biggest game storefront?
PS2: No, they haven't... Goody...

Jus chiming in with the last comical name missing, WB = Warn A Brotha.

oh my..

1440p benchmark

min 45
max 68
avg 61

that is on a 9370 clocked at 4.6 and a 390x and with the two gameworks options that are editable switched on (the others nvidia only)

With gameworks FULLY switched off

min 46
max 68
avg 66

so they have fixed a lot of the issues (previously min could drop to single digits)

...rather bizarrely I get almost the same numbers when I run the bench at 1080p :D

the stuttering on the cutscenes is driving me nuts, going to see if a ramcache fixes that or not

Welp, RIP in pieces Batman

Sucks we couldn't get a playable game, but I'm glad they're doing the right thing in offering refunds.

This makes me wonder if DX12 games will be a more seemless porting process to PC than we've had so far. I mean if Mad Max can do it right, (which is another WB published game) I'd imagine that if the APIs are closer for console and PC that we'll get better PC ports with less effort.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I can have hope.