Brink Review

sorry about the review been a bit late on posting, had a very busy day, anyways here is the Brink review. Am also going to try a new layout so please tell me if you like it.


Well there isnt much of a story with this game, Although there is a bit shown at the start about a place called the Arc in the middle of the sea, once a powerful place of tech and other brilliant things, turned to dust when the Arc got too big for its own good, crumbling under its new weight.

You pick a side, Rebels or Security there is no good or bad side it just gives you a layout for your character and adds different costumes to give your character your own personal look.

After that the story kinda disappears...



This is like any standard FPS online shooter, you shoot people but its objective based like Battlefield 3, team work wins, and i like that, it also has a free-running aspect with it its a little tricky but its a nice addition and it stands out from other FPS games like modern warfare (sigh at that series).

The objectives are standard affair, go here, capture this, kill this, escort this.. So on and so forth but personally i enjoy this in Brink more than other games mainly due to the free-running and my guns that look ace! which brings another good point about brink, Customisation..

Your character is truely your own, there are thousands if not more of combinations of looks for the character and both factions have there own look, the security side is cleaner than the rebels but in personal opinion rebels look better.

The guns steal the show though, i havent yet encounted an online game that allows a magazine that looks like an infinite symbol (MGS3 style gun, if you played it you know what i mean!) also its more than just red dots, there is improved iron sights which i love and beyonets to melee which is always nice to add. Although personally each gun doesnt feel different regardless of spec sheet but there looks makes up for this.

As mentioned this game has free-running, which is a some what lower aspect of the game, it just doesnt feel as if it hasnt been fleshed out enough, if theres a Brink 2 id love this to be more intergrated part of the gameplay. But what here works sort of and is nice to jump over a wall to escape gunfire.



Graphics are rather nice to say the specs of the game are not too high, in places their clean in places their gritty to go with the level design, the details are some what medium, there not blocky but could do with some more polish overall but what is here gets the job done and to say its an online based game they arent the worst graphics you will ever see.



So Brink is a Online FPS with elements which need to be fleshed out more, if Brink 2 is ever anounced or released id hope to see them put to better use but what is here is good, so ill give this game a 7.5/10

Reviews shouldn't really be in the forums. Try a blog post next time. Other than that, I haven't played the game, but the review was pretty decent.

Thanks ill do that :) and thanks for the feedback! :)

nice review XDroidie626, you really pointed out the most important details,however you forgot to add that this game on launch and right now is really bugged,on AMD Cards you get graphical errors and the game is pretty much dead,Splash Damage seems to have abandoned the game.and that really sucks because this game could have been a great game,but the bugs really killed it


I like your review. It's not written in a typical review style, but you gave us plenty of information and enough ground for us to get an idea of the game.

This game is a funny one, a bit marmite, some people love it, some people give it a big frown.

I havent tested the game on an AMD, last time i played it (Few weeks ago) i played it on Nvidia and never had any problems same for bugs never encounted anything super game killing, but it does suck that the company left the game to rot, was rather fun