Bricked intel 520?

So a few days ago my main rig died of old age. I was going to use the intel 520 that was in there on my macbook. I hooked up the ssd to the MacBook using a sata-to-USB thing and used disk utility to copy the hard drive to the ssd. After it finished I unmourned the ssd and shut down the laptop. After I put in the ssd all I got was the Mac chime. I've put the ssd in other computers but they don't see it either. Any thoughts?


tl;dr bricked ssd after cloning maybe?

No, I doubt you bricked it. It's probably just a differant file system.

Sometimes in cloning it misses the bootloader. If the bootloader is missed the system will not know anything is there and will not load. Also it might be a firmware issue update the firmware of the SSD. And third and I have this very problem with intel SSDs the controller in the laptop doesn't see the drive at all in the bios. Try using clonezilla as a free solution you can run it off a boot cd or usb or sdcard. Or if you want a paid solution try acronis true image. That boot disk will go byte by byte cloning every last byte on the drive.

Make sure the setting in the bios is set to AHCI too if its anything else (IDE, Raid) it might have problems loading it as well.