I kind of did a (big) oopsie and tried to upload a BMC firmware image from this motherboard, onto this one. When trying to update in the BMC webinterface the BMC firmware accepted the wrong firmware image, but displayed a failure message some time into the update process.
Now the boot process hangs on “waiting for BMC initialization” most of the time, and only sometimes gets past that.
The motherboard has a “ME RESET” Jumper (with ME most likely not meaning Intel ME, as it is right besides the management controller), and the firmware package comes with “recovery” tools for DOS. But both aren’t documented at all.
Has anyone ever experienced anything like that, or any idea how to fix this?
So i successfully recovered the BMC firmware with the (undocumented) tools in the update package.
I made a bootable Freedos flash drive, and put the update files an tools onto it.
I put the “ME RECOVER” jumper into the non-default position.
Then i used the tool in \244\OTHERS\RECOVERY\SOCFLASH.EXE to flash the new firmware.
That tool expects the location of the firmware (..\..\FW\244.BIN) as the first argument, and a file to back up the current ROM contents into (i just used a copy of the 244.bin.
For Google reference:
GA-6PXSV4 IPMI BMC recovery ROM flash DOS