I'm looking for a good brain storming software, something I digitally jot down all my unconnected ideas to both record and connect them in a sensible manor to share with the rest of the members with my team
its for progressing an unfinished video game plot
I've been kinda putting it in the back seat and haven't worked on it in a while and I really need to finish it so I can focus on other things like finding skilled coders, animators and musicians that will work free until it sells or at least a really good concept artist so I can make a Kick starter to pay for all this
also if you are any one of those please get in touch with me,
animations and 3-D models are something akin to paper mario
I do have some rough concept art from a friend but it probably won't cut it for concept art for Kickstarter
music deals with Both 8 bit and real instruments melded together, something like I Fight Dragons
preferablly C++ coders but if you're really skilled then anything will do really
I currently have No code, but I have a strong basis of what the engine should be capable of
porting to linux and android would be pretty neato too, oh and I geuss iOS and mac, If they're loaded enough to get a mac they might as well be loaded enough to give me and the rest of the team money
I'm not too sure about what software will best suit your needs but this might be worth a look.
Also, if your after music Id be happy to talk to you about it, I'm alway looking for new projects so it would be a pleasure to help. Let me know.
I'm working with a lot of high-level C++ and OpenGL right mow for game dev, but sadly, my time is being put towards my own game.
Alright I signed up and it loods pretty rad, add me on steam and when I get enough of the plot stung together I'll talk musical direction
well I'd like to get the plot and some music and deep character design down before I start on the code, by the time I'm done you might actually be done, I'm looking to do a custom engine that works pretty much like paper mario but with a party and some pretty far out RGB effects
Awesome, my steam name is RattusStarcraft so give us a shout when you want to chat.
I doubt I'll be done; pretty large-scale project, and only me writing it.
same deal here, its gone through several revisions over the past 7 years originally it was going to be a paper zelda fan made game but "giga gotta eat" so I pretty much redone every thing plotwise and since added some pretty diverse game mechanic Ideas
Well..I have a bit of background in doing concepts, I have experience with Maya, AFX, Premiere, and a slew of other apps.
Well, best of luck to you. My game (I have 3 "finished" ideas and plans, currently working on one of them right now), is a 2D platformer, with lots of neat modern characteristics, and refined animations. After messing with some 3D OpenGL in C#, I can tell you good luck ;)
Alright I'll pm you some of the character designs we already have, and see if we can get something to put on kickstarter so we can actually pay people and afford legit software
you played the first 2 paper mario's right?
well the only 3D objects are going to be environmental, characters and a lot of other things are going to be sprites so pretty much like paper mario if you've ever played it