Braid/Sleeve ModMic and Headphone cables?

So I have been using wireless headphones for probably 3 years now and I know the audio is meh, and the microphone is absolute trash but at the time I was sick of having a cable attached to my head that always seems to get caught on something.

Well I am somewhat ready to go back to the wired master race where audio quality reigns supreme, and people won't complain about my mic all the time. I am considering the Fostex T50RP v3's from mayflower and then getting a modmic 4 to go along with those. The one thing I am worrying about is the not one but two cables I would now have, how do people deal with that?

Is there a way to sleeve the two cables together? Does anyone make a sleeving big enough to go over the connectors? I just want a way to keep them more or less together so they don't get caught on anything