So, I've started the web development part of my computer sciences course.
This is the software that was recommended to us for doing work at home.
It's been used in class, and it looks pretty nice with some useful auto completion features (and live previewing in a web browser, chrome per se), but I'm not at all adept at web development so it'd be interesting to know what downfalls it has that I might not actually be aware of due to my whole aforementioned naivety.
It's a known tool, that has been recommended around here and in stackoverflow's chat, but you have to keep in mind that it shines only at front-end developments.
If you are doing backend programming you probably will want to go with either Atom or Sublime Text as your primary "programming editor".
I stopped trying Brackets as soon as I realized it doesn't have 'hot-exit' which allows the program to close without saving all the files and then re-open them on the next launch, yes you should always save your files but having this feature is handy when you've gotta run and just had a scratch pad open for random thoughts. Both Sublime and Notepad++ have 'hot-exit'.
I use Brackets myself and I love it. I find it to be really cool, aesthetically pleasing and all that. HOWEVER, if you are new to Web Dev, I would highly recommend using a more simple text editor like TextMate or Sublime, as it will allow you to develop proper habits and not have to rely on things like code completion. Just my 2 cents anyways.... :^
There might be a plugin for it?
If you argue that way, Atom can do almost all the stuff Brackets can as well.
What's the problem with code completion and what do you mean by 'proper habits'?
I'm actually using Brackets for a project right now, ironically....
I've been using it for a while now, and so far I have had no problems with it.