Bottlenecking question

Well, I just bought a 650 TI BOOST OC (EVGA), and I'm a bit dissapointed. I'm getting just about the same frames as before my upgrade (used to have a GT 430) in Battlefield 3. (Just about 20 frames)

Here's my PC specs:

(Of course, I now have a 650 ti, and a 550w psu)


I'm thinking that I have a bottleneck with my CPU. It's a dual-core intel @ 2.8 GHz. However, I don't think my processor is bad enough to give such horrible FPS. (Again, 20 damn FPS?)

I've tried switching the graphics settings, and nothing seems to change. 20 FPS on Ultra, 20 FPS on low. (I'm playing at 1280x720 constant)


I'd just be very, very discouraged if it IS in fact a bottleneck. I just invested $250 into parts that don't even change anything.

It's a low end GPU, and an old CPU; that's about all there is to the situation. No bottlenecking, just low end hardware.

But look at all the bechmarks. Some are getting 30 FPS on 1080p, so why can't I pull that at 720p?

Because of your GPU, probably. They weren't testing the 650ti Boost on socket 755; those tests were either on Ivy Bridge on even SBE.

i take it you're strapped for cash.. given your situation i would return the gpu/650ti and use that money towards an amd apu/mboard.. you would get a better cpu out of the deal and better graphics than your previous situation and present bottleneck.. @720p you will definitely get more than 20fps in bf3 using the apu.

FPS on default 3.8GHZ (Getting 5-7 FPS Boost by enabling Turbo-boost @ 4.2GHZ)

22-24 FPS on Ultra settings @ 1920 x 1080

24-27 FPS on Ultra settings @ 1400 x 900

30-32 FPS on Ultra settings @ 1280 x 720 <-- decent for ultra, this could be toned down for more fps

31-33 FPS on Low settings @ 1920 x 1080



A 650ti Boost is noticeably more powerful than even the highest end APU.

yeah it is, i fully agree. but not with that motherboard and processor he has.. less he goes and spends more money to get a new motherboard and processor. i was giving him an option to turn around the money he already invested to achieve a higher frame rate which was his goal originally. with the amd apu.. he gets a cpu/mboard/gpu upgrade(0 dollar trade in) from his previous situation and isn't bottlenecked in his present situation.. obviously a 4770k/3770k/8350 would be better, but at that rate i wouldn't have picked a 650ti either.

So there is a bottleneck with my processor? I don't plan on returning anything, I'll just save up until I can upgrade the rest of my rig to sustain my 650.

Someone told me I should get a Haswell, but a decent 1150 mobo + processor runs me about $300; more than I'd like to spend. I figure I could get a Sandy Bridge for cheaper, but I don't know what to look for.

Your CPU isn't bottlenecking the performance of the card at all. It's just that the CPU plays just as important of a roll in performance, and you have a very outdated CPU.

processor, ram and probably bus speed of your pcie lane or even the hdd.

bf3 is a game that use's and likes quad core cpus a 650 TI boost is more than capable of playing bf3 

Dont confuse a gtx 650 ti with a gtx 650 ti boost  the boost is very differnt to the 650 TI it is more comparable to a HD7850 the boost has 192bit bus the 650 ti has a 128bit bus

The boost has 60-65% more bandwith more rendering processors a higher tdp and a single sli finger and beats and loses to a hd 7850 in games it shude of been called a GTX655 as this is where it sits in performance.


Actually, the CPU is in fact bottlenecking. This card just DESTROYED Metro 2033 at MAX in 720p. Never dropped below 40 frames. On my old card, I barely pulled 20 on absolute lowest at 1024x768.

2013-07-09 20:39:54 - Metro2033
Frames: 6881 - Time: 164924ms - Avg: 41.722 - Min: 0 - Max: 76

(Ignore the Minimum; it counted a loading screen in there or something)

It's the fact that BF3 multiplayer is extremely CPU heavy. The card is a monster for its price.