Bottleneck in gaming?

I was wondering how there are other types of bottlenecks other than the cpu or the gpu maxing out on each other. The games I play are League of Legends and CSGO mostly and got a noticeable fps especially in League of legends somewhat like at least 30 fps improvement when I overclock to 4.5ghz than disabling Turbo Boost and keeping it at 3.5ghz. Yes I know the games I play don't use many cores.



AMD FX6300 1.4V 4.5ghz and 1.125V ghz 


8gbs Ram

R9 270x

Corsair CX500

Heat: I have my side panel off and having my fans spin up to 1700 rpm and Hyper 212 EVO Temps never reached 50 with 4.5 CSGO (dam physics why you must beat the crap out of my cpu)

Hard Drive: 256gb SSD Crucial MX100 thats where CSGO and League of Legends are on (if anyone has been tracking me I found my credit card and bough my self this with the last of the money.) 

Ram: 8gbs 2x4 Kingston HyperX Blue

Network: Huh? How can this be an affect to how much fps that I am getting. I live in Australia where the internet can be shit at times.

yeah i have a 60 hz monitor 1080p but i like my games to be over 60 fps just in case of intense situations 

I'm not understanding your question.

Are you saying you are lagging in LoL and in CS:GO?

Based on the information you have provided, and Kai has stated, it might very well be network lag. 

I have a lot of experience with the FX like of CPU's I've literally used almost all of them, one problem that I frequently run into it throttling even if temps are not to high, This usually has to do with your motherboard not being able to supply stable power to your CPU. You could tweak your voltage and other power settings to try and stabilize it or just try and back off your overclock.  It can cause really massive FPS drops because FX CPU's usually throttle down to around 1 GHz in situations like this. They usually only throttle for a split second before jumping back up so it is hard to spot, sometimes CPUz wont even refresh fast enough. One way to diagnose if this is the problem would be to open task manager and run prime95 or aida64 (ideally try both, but not at the same time of course) to stress your CPU, if the CPU Usage graph in task manager drops below 100% during a stress test your CPU is most likely throttling itself, again this can happen even if your temps are well in their safe range. 

I do not have network lag or any type since the games usually run 90 fps or more but when i overclock there is this boost of fps that i have seen with the overclock with when it should be having the same fps overclocked at default speeds.

I dont really see the tearing and its not that noticeable to me i just like it to keep it off unless if the tearing is stupid obvious that i have to turn it on but most of the time no. 

running prime95 although at 100 percent for about 20 mins cpu temps is at 57c right now but prime95 ocasionally dips its cpu usage down from 99 to 98 and so forth then coming back to 99 again.

You are overclocking your CPU. Its running faster. The game can utilize the additional speed. You are getting higher FPS.

I dont understand why that's confusing?

My understanding is that I should not be getting this boost of fps when I overclock it it should be the same or similar when I run it at 3.5ghz.

But you are, because the game is able to utilize the extra CPU horsepower. This is a good thing. That is why we overclock.

Yeah but It should not be this much of a difference in my system heck i was like expecting it to be like 1 or 2 fps more than at 3.5.

No , OC helps alot .

CS:GO likes higher ghz :D

No , OC'ing is a huge bonus , especially in CS and other higher FPS games .

Immagine this : 20% bonus of 30fps is 6 fps .

20% bonus of 90 fps is 18 fps .

Keep this in mind , if you get higher fps , the gain will scale accordingly .

No , OC'ing is a huge bonus , especially in CS and other higher FPS games .

Immagine this : 20% bonus of 30fps is 6 fps .

20% bonus of 90 fps is 18 fps .

Keep this in mind , if you get higher fps , the gain will scale accordingly .

CS and especialy LOL are very badly optimized games, they are single threaded.

LoL is just one of those games, that realy bennefits intel single threaded performance. Arma, dayZ, wow, same story.

CS and lol are one of the most optimized games out there. Same with WoW (came out in 2004, still runs on old hardware). Haven't tried arma or dayz (dayz is early access).

It's not biased towards intel, it's just that Intel has higher IPC. AMD should fair better in CS:GO. I know someone has a rig with fx 6300 stock and nvidia GT 240 gddr5 and has over 100 fps on both games. You must have some driver or other software issue if you say throttling and memory settings isn't the cause.

With regards to screen tearing and vsync: sure you want a clear image and no ugly tearing but that's what I want in slower paced singleplayer games. In CS or any source game you want as much fps as possible because the engine prefers it, even though the monitor can't display more it does affect gameplay (not client side aiming but it lowers client-server interpolation issues by running full speed).

In most games using vsync removes ugly screen tearing but induces a slight or sometimes very annoying mouse lag, a big no in competitive games.

You shouldn't need to OC to get decent FPS with your rig in any game. In fact you should've had no problems running anything on high settings at 1080p.