Bosses track you Night and Day!

As a percentage it isn't that big indeed. Still for us (60-ish employees, around 400 active customers) it runs in the 4-digit range real fast. If a 4-hour customer cancels, that's a little over 80 EUR in salaries and taxes.

Sure, we're well aware of privacy and don't want to contact our employees during their personal time when it's not needed, but if a text message or a 2-minute phonecall can save us that amount of money, we'll send that message or make that call.

I have a feeling we will see more articles to acclimate us to this. Then articles showing one guy who did not like it either dying or being cast as a jerk.

Big companies kinda like this cause it protects them from competition from small companies growing. IBM was brought low by small start ups. Going from 50 to 51 employees is no a death sentence.

My truck tracks sooooo much now. If I go 3mph or 5 mph over I hear about it. Once unfortunate heart attack and this could be mandated by law overnight.
"so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name."

I don't see a problem, comrade. Tractor production will soon be at acceptable levels using this...

People who wish to enforce this level of control over others deserve to die. They're the next-gen version of slave owners.

One more reason for me to be self employed. If this was enforced on me I'd tell them I'm allergic to bullshit and leave.

Nope, that doesn't fly. I'm sure in the contract there is a cancellation policy that protects the companies butt. Stop trying to make the worker responsible [pay with time not compensated] for the companies problem.

I recall a story like this from a couple of years back. Something about woman suing her company because of a similar shit. Basically, she had a corporate smartphone with a tracking app installed, and she was forced to keep it on 24/7. She was OK with that (probably some sales or personal assistant/manager job) until her boss accidentally remarked on her commute time or routes she took in her private time, or pub she was in, something like that.

I hope my boss tracks me night and day... out of body experiences aren't really my thing lol I'm my own boss :P

These "biometric CVs" though...
"Look, you're healthy, you're working out, and you have a healthy private life. You're not qualified. We're looking for someone with no life at all, who would gladly work long overtimes and die soon. (We will be beneficiaries for his corporate insurance, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!)"

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There is for late regular cancellations, but the law here doesn't allow us to bill the customer in case of force majeure (death in the family, hospitalization, house inaccessible due to fire/lightningstrike/flooding etc).
You'd be surprised how many cancellations due to deaths and hospitalizations you get when the majority of your customers are elderly people.